Problems with toolwindows Tab size

Docking/MDI for WPF Forum

Posted 15 years ago by Gabriel Poveda
When group the toolwindows, the tabs are huge, and can't be re-sized.

there is any way to change this tabs size or fix the problem?

Comments (11)

Posted 15 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Gabriel,

We'd need to see what you mean. Please put together a simple sample project that shows the issue and email it over to our support address. Thanks.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 15 years ago by Gabriel Poveda
We are very short of time here, so i going to put a simple screenshot.

Normal before join both ToolWindows:

When you join them in document mode, the Tabs appear at bottom with big size:

This is part of the code: Here we define the DockSite, we are trying to see a background but doesn't work :S

<docking:DockSite Grid.Row="2" AreDocumentWindowsDestroyedOnClose="False"
    CanToolWindowsBecomeDocuments="False" CanToolWindowTabsDrag="True">
    <ImageBrush ImageSource="/Resources/Images/blueBack.PNG" Stretch="Fill"/>
And here in code we create the toolWindows, this is one of them:

RealTimeWindow rtWindow = new RealTimeWindow(_mainDock);
rtWindow.Name = "rtWindow";
rtWindow.Dock(_mainDock, ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.Docking.Direction.Top);
All Windows except the main one are ToolWindow type.

That's all we do with Dock system.
Posted 15 years ago by Gabriel Poveda
Note, we put CanToolWindowsBecomeDocuments="False" because we are trying to avoid the problem, but doesn't work.
Posted 15 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
We've not seen the behavior in your second screenshot. We'd need to see this happening in action via a simple sample project that shows it. That way we can see if it is an error in your usage of the product or a bug on our end.

Please email us a simple sample project that shows the issue so we can debug what is happening in your scenario. Thanks.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 15 years ago by Gabriel Poveda
Is pretty obvious the size of the tabs with the name of the windows, the big white box is the selected tab, the big black box with the "RealTime Window" text is the non selected Tab. We have all day trying to fix it but we release the project without the dock feature for the moment, please check it again.
Posted 15 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
The only time we've seen that sort of thing happen is if you are programmatically modifying the control hierarchy and you didn't put ToolWindowContainers in. For instance if you put a ToolWindow as a direct child of a SplitContainer, instead of embedding the ToolWindow in a ToolWindowContainer and putting that in a SplitContainer. The Control Hierarchy documentation topic talks about what can be in what.

But again, I can't give you any information unless we see what you are doing because what is showing in your screenshot does not normally happen. There is no need for you to spend more time trying to fix it on your own. If you put together a simple sample project that shows the issue and email it over, we'd be happy to have an answer for you tomorrow morning.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 15 years ago by Gabriel Poveda
to avoid the problem we put canattach = false for all toolwindows, so windows don't become tabbed, the hierarchy doesn't help, so we avoid the feature for the moment.

Thanks for all the help and the fast response.
Posted 15 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Ok, when you get a chance please send over a simple sample project that shows the issue. It's probably something simple. Thanks.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 14 years ago by David Sherwood
I too am having the big tab problem. Mine are right triangles that take up the whole window. The tool window is being created programmatically without a container but what container would I put it in? My doc site hierarchy is: DockSite, WorkSpace,TabbedMdiHost, TabbedMdiContainer, DocuemntWindow. I didn’t use SplitContainer because I did not want to split anything. The Tool window that I create starts out floating. When I start dragging the tool window, the icon in middle of the center cluster is missing. I can only make it a document if I pick from the menu. When I put the tool-window-as-document in a separate tab group, the original document’s tab looks normal.
If sample code will help, please let me known.
Posted 14 years ago by David Sherwood
Ok, I got it to work. I added to my DockSite :
<docking:ToolWindowContainer x:Name="BottonToolContainer" />
Posted 14 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi David,

Correct, you need to always wrap docked or auto-hidden tool windows with a ToolWindowContainer. Otherwise the tool window will render as a huge tab.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.2) was released 3 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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