How to hide some text

SyntaxEditor for WPF Forum

Posted 15 years ago by Daniel Navarro
Version: 9.2.0511
I'm constructing a DSL where some functions take a lot of data, often numerical. My idea was to allow editing these complex parámeters graphically (editing matrices, vectors, colors in some tool / properties window) and HIDE the ugly long parameter lists from the text view.

Example. We have a function that receives a 4x4 matrix:

Transform( 3.1415926523, 2.999291232, -0.0028838232, 0.9822893821, 0.15939482932, -1.2383848231, ... ) // 16 double const as parámeters

Instead, I would like to show this:

Transform(...) // When the cursor is inside this tag, the parameter matrix can be edited in a tool window (but whenever the file is parsed or saved, we get or save the full line)

The ellipsis (...) could be any special character representing the hidden text.

So that's my question, how could I do something like that?

I'll apreciate any suggestions or directions you could give. Thank you.

Comments (3)

Posted 15 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Daniel,

The current version doesn't have support for hiding text, however that's exactly what we're working on right now. :) We're working through code outlining features too, but are considering exposing a way for you to collapse regions of text and render any adornment in its place, even without the use of the outlining mechanism. So that may be what you are looking for here.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 15 years ago by Daniel Navarro
Good news! :D

Thank you very much.
Posted 15 years ago by Daniel Navarro
Feature implemented in build 0514.

It's exactly what I needed. Thank you again!
The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 1 month ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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