Own C# code in Actipro generated code

SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 15 years ago by Chavadam - Belgium
Version: 4.0.0284

Q1: What is the URL of the libraries, classes, member properties and methods ... of Actipro, similar to the Javadoc ?

I found a (Java-Swing-like) layout manager that suits me well :
and I downloaded its source files.
I'm new in Actipro and I made a first 10-pages wizard. I would like that all these interior pages will contain an instance of a common class : MySplitCont_AllWizIntPag. It is a SplitContainer, which admits at a side a first layout manager (BorderLayout), whose a compartment on its turn admits an embedded layout manager (GridLayout), which receives N Button objects.
I need to know things like
- which is the right 'Add()' to put my SplitContainer in the pane of each interior page. I found '.AddToInvalidatedRegion()'. I had like to verify in the library documentation.
Of course I'm looking to avoid constructing 10 times (pages) the same 'Look & Feel' in Actipro.

Thanks for any good advise.

Comments (2)

Posted 15 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Charles,

In the future, please post issues related to separate products in the appropriate forums so that they can be handled properly by our staff. Thanks!

1) We don't have our documentation online. The products all ship with a documentation help file that is available from the Windows Programs menu for Actipro's products when you install the products.

2) If your layout manager is a control, then you'd need to add new instances of it to each page in the Wizard. You add controls in WinForms with the parentControl.Controls.Add() method.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 15 years ago by Chavadam - Belgium
Hu-humm ! Yes, I see it exists a more convenient right forum, indeed. Sorry.

1) Start > Programs > Actipro Software > Wizard v.3.0.0134 for Windows Forms > ? Documentation

Thanks / Solved
The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 5 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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