Ribbon Slider broken in 2010.1

Ribbon for WPF Forum

Posted 14 years ago by SledgeHammer01
Version: 10.1.0521
Platform: .NET 4.0
Environment: Windows XP (32-bit)
The Ribbon Slider is broken in 2010.1. I'm pretty sure it was working in the last prior build.

1) bring up the Document Editor (like Word)
2) mouse over the - & + auto repeat buttons on the ribbon slider

You'll notice the hot and pressed styles are broken. Its just a flat blue circle vs. the orange-ish buttons. I'm 99.9% sure this was working before and only broke with 2010.1.

The thumb still works fine.

[Modified at 05/11/2010 12:59 PM]

[Modified at 05/11/2010 01:08 PM]

Comments (2)

Posted 14 years ago by SledgeHammer01
I found the problem in the templates and was able to fix it in my app. I can see this was indeed broken when you added the scenic ribbon.

                    <Grid Background="Transparent">
                            <EllipseGeometry RadiusX="8" RadiusY="8" Center="8,8" />

                        <Ellipse x:Name="ButtonOuterNormalBackground" Fill="{DynamicResource {x:Static ribbonThemes:RibbonCommonDictionary.StatusBarSliderButtonOuterBackgroundNormalBrushKey}}" Clip="M 0.5,8 C 0.5,-2 15.5,-2 15.5,8 Z" />
                        <Ellipse x:Name="ButtonInnerNormalBackground" Margin="1" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Fill="{DynamicResource {x:Static ribbonThemes:RibbonCommonDictionary.StatusBarSliderButtonInnerBackgroundNormalBrushKey}}">
                                    <ScaleTransform ScaleX="3" ScaleY="1"/>
                                    <TranslateTransform X="0" Y="7"/>
                        <Ellipse x:Name="ButtonOuterHoverBackground" Fill="{DynamicResource {x:Static ribbonThemes:RibbonCommonDictionary.ApplicationButtonOuterBackgroundHoverBrushKey}}" Opacity="0" />
                        <Ellipse x:Name="ButtonInnerHoverBackground" Margin="1" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Fill="{DynamicResource {x:Static ribbonThemes:RibbonCommonDictionary.ApplicationButtonInnerBackgroundHoverBrushKey}}" Opacity="0">
                                    <ScaleTransform ScaleX="3" ScaleY="1"/>
                                    <TranslateTransform X="0" Y="7"/>
                        <Ellipse x:Name="ButtonOuterPressedBackground" Fill="{DynamicResource {x:Static ribbonThemes:RibbonCommonDictionary.ApplicationButtonOuterBackgroundPressedBrushKey}}" Opacity="0" />
                        <Ellipse x:Name="ButtonInnerPressedBackground" Margin="1" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Fill="{DynamicResource {x:Static ribbonThemes:RibbonCommonDictionary.ApplicationButtonInnerBackgroundPressedBrushKey}}" Opacity="0">
                                    <ScaleTransform ScaleX="3" ScaleY="1"/>
                                    <TranslateTransform X="0" Y="7"/>
                        <Ellipse x:Name="ButtonBorder" Stroke="{DynamicResource {x:Static ribbonThemes:RibbonCommonDictionary.StatusBarSliderBorderBrushKey}}" />

                        <ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" />
All the references to ApplicationButton*Key in ButtonOuterHoverBackground, ButtonInnerHoverBackground, ButtonOuterPressedBackground and ButtonInnerPressedBackground should be ApplicationButtonOrb*Key.

[Modified at 05/11/2010 03:50 PM]
Posted 14 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
We were about to write the same thing. :)

You are correct, the +/- buttons used the application button brushes but we altered the brushes in 2010.1. We have new brush keys with the old orb brushes but didn't update the Slider buttons to reference those instead. It's fixed for the next build.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.2) was released 3 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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