Hi. How can I set quantity of spaces that are replacing /t in Document.Text?
Is this would be quicker then Document.Text = someText.Replace("\t"," ")?
Is there some standard for a spaces quantity, how do u think? Maybe windows have some global environment variable that sets this? Or I should create options window in my app, with default = 4 spaces, and give user a chance to change this quantity?
Last questions maybe isn`t belong to actipro support, but I`ll be very thankful if somebody can give me the answer)
In my app I can`t work with /t
Is this would be quicker then Document.Text = someText.Replace("\t"," ")?
Is there some standard for a spaces quantity, how do u think? Maybe windows have some global environment variable that sets this? Or I should create options window in my app, with default = 4 spaces, and give user a chance to change this quantity?
Last questions maybe isn`t belong to actipro support, but I`ll be very thankful if somebody can give me the answer)
In my app I can`t work with /t