I'm working on a custom grammar for a Pascal-like language. It's been working for months now but I just got around to checking variable and function references. So, after all of the parsing is complete, I use a custom AstVisitor to comb through the editor's AstNodes and add SyntaxErrors with TextRanges to the ICompilationUnit for undefined variables and function calls.
Unfortunately, these late syntax errors do not show in the editor (with red squigglies underneath). I tried calling Editor.RefreshOutlining() and Editor.Refresh() but no go. The syntax errors are there in the IList. Why don't they show in the editor? How can I get the syntax editor to repaint all the syntax errors again?
Unfortunately, these late syntax errors do not show in the editor (with red squigglies underneath). I tried calling Editor.RefreshOutlining() and Editor.Refresh() but no go. The syntax errors are there in the IList. Why don't they show in the editor? How can I get the syntax editor to repaint all the syntax errors again?