Over-riding the behaviour of intelliprompt member list match

SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 14 years ago by Matt Whitfield
Version: 4.0.0287

Another idea - in Visual Studio 2010 the intelliprompt match method has been updated so that partial matches can be used, rather than prefix matches.

So, for example, if I have five intelliprompt items


Then to match the RedCar item in SyntaxEditor / VS 2008 i would have to type 'Red' - whereas in VS 2010 I would be able to type 'Car' which would bring up the YellowCar and RedCar items.

Is there any way in which the match behaviour of the intelliprompt member list could be over-ridden? I know this is not possible currently, but it would definitely be a 'nice to have', and would bring the editor into line with the VS 2010 way of doing things...

Hope you guys had a great Christmas and New Year!

Comments (2)

Posted 14 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Matt,

When we redesigned completion lists in the next-gen WPF and Silverlight SyntaxEditor versions, we made it so matching algorithms are completely customizable. We have built-in ones (one of which does what you are asking for) and you can make your own custom ones too.

We eventually hope to port back the next-gen design to WinForms once it has all the feature areas covered that are in WinForms right now. Unfortunately the WinForms version doesn't have a way to customize matching at this time.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 14 years ago by Matt Whitfield

Sorry it's taken me a while to get back to you - I fully expected that would be the case - but thought I would just ask the question!


The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 2 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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