WPF Studio 2011.1 Released

Announcements Forum

Posted 14 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
A major new version of WPF Studio is now available that adds several new controls, demos the new SyntaxEditor .NET Languages Add-on, adds MVVM and Prism support to Docking/MDI, and makes numerous other enhancements throughout the products.

Updates include:

Bar Code

  • Added the 2D QR Code symbology and a new QuickStart showcasing it.


  • BREAK: Combined all possible document and tool windows styles into a single default style.
  • BREAK: Changed IRaftingWindow.Setup to accept a WindowState, to allow rafting windows to be initially maximized.
  • Enhanced support for MVVM to DockSite by allowing document and tool windows to be generated based on view-model collections.
  • Added MVVM Features Demo and two QuickStarts to demonstrate new MVVM features.
  • Added an assembly and samples to support integration with Prism.
  • Added ability to programmatically start a drag operation on a DocumentWindow, ToolWindow, or ToolWindowContainer via DragMove method.
  • Fixed issue with docking rafting windows that are not owned by the main window when the main window is minimized.
  • Fixed issue with margin for auto-hidden tabs.
  • Fixed issue with standard MDI host cascading/tiling windows that are not visible.
  • Fixed issue with tabbed MDI tabs getting clipped in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed issue with maximized rafting windows not properly restoring their state from serialized layout.
  • Fixed issue with restoring layout when using nested SplitContainers in a TabbedMdiHost.


  • Added new Rating control and associated samples.
  • Added new Calculator control and associated sample.
  • Updated DoubleEditBox, Int32EditBox, and Int64EditBox default Styles to use Calculator as default drop-down content.


  • Fixed issue with calculating percentage based offsets for sizes.


  • BREAK: Added dedicated RoyaleNormalColor theme for NavigationBar that is not based on system colors.
  • Updated NavigationBar to align the minimize button differently when it is set to minimize to the right.
  • Updated Breadcrumb File System QuickStart to include a synchronized TreeView.
  • Fixed issue with Breadcrumb selecting RootItem during load even if SelectedItem was set in certain scenarios.


  • BREAK: Added ability to assign property editors by the type of the associated object, as well as by property name and type.
  • Added overridable methods to DataFactory to allow easier customization of properties.
  • Added support for PropertyChanging and PropertyChanged events to PropertyGridPropertyItem.
  • Fixed issue with value column not shrinking when horizontal scrolling is enabled.
  • Fixed issue with resize cursor being incorrectly shown when hovering over splitter when horizontal scrolling is enabled.
  • Fixed issue where retaining category data accessors could root PropertyGridDataAccesorItems.


  • Added a screen tip to the Customize QAT button.
  • Tweaked popup close handling code for Backstage.
  • Updated the standalone PopupButton and SplitButtons control templates to show ellipses when sized small.
  • Fixed a bug where gallery items might not properly raise a cancel preview notification when they were pressed but the mouse was released elsewhere.
  • Fixed an issue where a standalone GroupPresenter may not measure correctly in Office 2007 theme.
  • Fixed a bug where the maximize/minimize system menu options didn't disable when RibbonWindow.IsMinimizeButtonVisible/IsMaximizeButtonVisible properties were set to false.
  • Fixed an issue with using ElementName bindings inside an ApplicationMenu.


  • Added a new SyntaxLanguageParsingExtensions.Parse extension method that uses the language's IParser to parse specific text in the calling thread and return the IParseData result.
  • Added the AstNodeBase class, which is an abstract base class intended for type-specific AST nodes.
  • Made major performance improvements while scanning a snapshot using a reader, and also when performing large replace all operations.
  • Updated parse errors to display squiggles when the parse error occurs at the document end.
  • Updated clicks on a selection when setting focus to collapse the selection.
  • Fixed a bug where hit tests over line terminators didn't indicate a character result.
  • Fixed a bug where switching documents within a SyntaxEditor might throw an exception if decorators (like squiggles) are visible.

LL(*) Parser Framework

  • Added the ITypedTreeConstructionNode interface, which is used to define a tree construction node that can create a type-specific AST node.
  • Updated the Language Designer to support the design and generation of type-specific AST nodes.
  • Updated the Language Designer to support the debugging of assemblies that contain more than one LLParser.
  • Added Ast, AstConditional, and AstFrom method overloads on Grammar that accept type parameters and create type-specific AST nodes.
  • Added a Grammar.AstChildrenFrom method overload that accepts a nesting level parameter, thus allowing for retrieval of nodes two or more levels deep.
  • Added the Grammar.AstCount tree construction node creation method that produces a node whose value is the count of AST nodes generated by child nodes.
  • Added the ParentTreeConstructionNodeBase class, which can be used as the base for a tree construction node that has other tree construction node children.
  • Added the ITokenReader.Push and Pop methods, which when used together allow for infinite look-ahead of tokens.
  • Added the ITokenReader.AreNext method, which is a helper method for determining if the next look-ahead tokens match the specified sequence of token IDs.
  • Added an IParserState.ReportError overload with an IToken parameter, reporting the parse error over the token's range.
  • Added the Terminal.CanMatchCallback property, which lets you provide custom code indicating whether a single terminal can match. This is useful for scenarios where you have an identifier token that must have a certain text value, etc.
  • Updated terminal and non-terminal expected parse errors to report on the current line, in scenarios where the look-ahead token is on another later line.
  • Made parser performance improvements.
  • Removed Error nodes from being inserted into ASTs when non-terminals failed since they could produce unpredictable results when later consuming the AST.
  • BREAK: Removed the EmptyTreeConstructionNode class. Use the TreeConstructionNodeBase or ParentTreeConstructionNodeBase classes as base classes for custom tree construction nodes instead.

.NET Languages Add-on

  • First beta release, with code outlining, parsing, AST construction, syntax error reporting, and more for C# and Visual Basic documents (automated IntelliPrompt will be added in future builds).
  • Added several samples to show off the new add-on.

Web Languages Add-on

  • Made massive performance improvements when typing and showing IntelliPrompt in larger documents.
  • Added the IXmlSchemaResolver.DefaultNamespace property, which allows for a default namespace to be specified to support automated IntelliPrompt/validation features when the root element's xmlns is missing.


  • Added new FanPanel control and demo.
  • Added new IsAnimated attached property to disable panel animations on a per element basis.


  • Updated the WizardPagePresenter measuring code.
  • Fixed a bug where AeroWizard could throw an exception in an XBAP.

About WPF Studio

WPF Studio / WPF Essentials Licensing

You can purchase our WPF controls individually if you wish however you have the option to purchase all of them in the WPF Studio bundle. Purchasing the bundle saves over 60% over purchasing all the WPF controls individually.

The WPF Essential bundle saves over 45% over purchasing its bundled controls separately.

That's some incredible savings!

WPF Studio Benefits

All WPF control licenses automatically include a free subscription for a year of free upgrades to any new versions that are released. At the end of the year, you may renew your license for another year to keep the free upgrade benefits active.

In addition, if you own a WPF Studio license, you are automatically eligible to receive free licenses for any new WPF control products added to WPF Studio that come out within your year period. This benefit does not apply to WPF Essentials customers.

Live Demo

You can give all our lastest WPF control products a spin right in your browser as long as you have .NET 3.5 SP1 installed. Just follow the steps on this page to see live demos:

Download an Evaluation

You can download an evaluation of all our WPF controls from this page:

Upgrade to WPF Studio

Contact our sales team for information on discounted pricing for upgrading from one of our older WPF control product licenses to a license for WPF Studio, WPF Essentials, or a new version of a WPF control product.

Free Upgrades to 2011.1

If you own an older WPF Studio version or one of its products and would like to upgrade to this latest version, please click the request a free upgrade link on your Organzation Purchases page. The link will appear there if your upgrade eligibility is active.

Actipro Software Support