Time scheduling for Windows Forms version

SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 14 years ago by Leighton Brian
I had a quick read around about the current state of this control the other day, I am having issues with loading large documents (even after following the guide) and would love to hear what people are doing to reduce the load times for documents and whether the updates from WPF/Silverlight will make it into this editor within the next year.

The thing is that we don't want to have to work with two products. If WF version is not going to see a major update in the next 6-12 months we may opt to move over to WPF. However, the machines our user base runs may not be grunty enough to load WPF (mostly medical clinics and some private hospitals).

Can anyone give some rough guidance on timelines? You have a great product here though!

Comments (1)

Posted 14 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Leighton,

The WPF/Silverlight versions are where we're building our next-gen framework for the product. So those are where all our new ideas are going right now. As we port over feature areas that are found in WinForms, we're doing major design updates to add features, extensibility, and improve overall design.

Once we eventually get the .NET Languages Add-on in WPF/SL finished and have all the winForms feature areas ported over (there still are some that need porting), then we hope to port the next gen framework back to WinForms as a major new SyntaxEditor version since the new design is much better.

Then SyntaxEditor on all three platforms would be code compatible for the most part going forward. That's our goal. Will it happen in the next year, it's hard to say but things are taking a while to get through so it may not happen in that timeframe. We are going as fast as we can though (while still ensuring the next gen design is innovating to keep it well beyond the capabilities of anything else), as it is our flagship product.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 6 days ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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