With SyntaxEditor for WinForms, I was able to make changes to a completion item before the intelliprompt list was closed. I need this, for instance, to invoke a dialog when selecting items of a certain types and then replace the selected item text with the result from the dialog. I found the Committing event on the CompletionSession class, and while it doesn't really give me direct access to e.g. the selected item and so on, through the eventargs, as I was used to with SE for WinForms, I was able to access the selected item by going through the sender object, which is fortunately of the CompletionSession type. I then expected to be able to alter the Pre and Post text, as with SE for WinForms, and the documentation indicates that I can ("Gets or sets the text that is inserted into the document before...."), but when I try to set it, the compiler tells me that it's read only:
Property or indexer 'ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.SyntaxEditor.IntelliPrompt.ICompletionItem.AutoCompletePreText' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
Is that a bug or am I missing something obvious here? :)
With SyntaxEditor for WinForms, I was able to make changes to a completion item before the intelliprompt list was closed. I need this, for instance, to invoke a dialog when selecting items of a certain types and then replace the selected item text with the result from the dialog. I found the Committing event on the CompletionSession class, and while it doesn't really give me direct access to e.g. the selected item and so on, through the eventargs, as I was used to with SE for WinForms, I was able to access the selected item by going through the sender object, which is fortunately of the CompletionSession type. I then expected to be able to alter the Pre and Post text, as with SE for WinForms, and the documentation indicates that I can ("Gets or sets the text that is inserted into the document before...."), but when I try to set it, the compiler tells me that it's read only:
Property or indexer 'ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.SyntaxEditor.IntelliPrompt.ICompletionItem.AutoCompletePreText' cannot be assigned to -- it is read only
Is that a bug or am I missing something obvious here? :)