Dear Actipro support,
What would be the recommended way to create a custom merge logic for collections? (ie. when selecting multiple objects with a collection property)
- The merge list should contain all unique items of all other collections (regardless of their position in the collection)
- Items which are not present in all lists should be flagged in order to change their appearance via a custom editor (i.e. for greying out)
- New items should be added to all collections
- Removed items should be removed from collections in which they are present
- The merged collection should be expandable and editable just as normal collections (CollectionDisplayMode set to EditableInline) or equivalent
As I see it, I would need to override TypeDescriptorDataFactory so that it returns a custom MergedPropertyDataAccessor? Will I need to create a custom version of ExpandableCollectionConverter as well? Are there any suggested readings (there does not seem to be much information on merging in the docs and Reflector displays a lot of obfuscated code)
Thank you,
What would be the recommended way to create a custom merge logic for collections? (ie. when selecting multiple objects with a collection property)
- The merge list should contain all unique items of all other collections (regardless of their position in the collection)
- Items which are not present in all lists should be flagged in order to change their appearance via a custom editor (i.e. for greying out)
- New items should be added to all collections
- Removed items should be removed from collections in which they are present
- The merged collection should be expandable and editable just as normal collections (CollectionDisplayMode set to EditableInline) or equivalent
As I see it, I would need to override TypeDescriptorDataFactory so that it returns a custom MergedPropertyDataAccessor? Will I need to create a custom version of ExpandableCollectionConverter as well? Are there any suggested readings (there does not seem to be much information on merging in the docs and Reflector displays a lot of obfuscated code)
Thank you,