vertical alignment of text next to an image

Spider Writer Suggestions and Support Forum

The latest build of this product (v5.2.0) was released 23 years ago, which was before this thread was created.
Posted 20 years ago by Galley - Greenville, SC
I am nearing the final design of my new site, but now I am working on the HTML validation. I am getting a validation error that says that the "absmiddle" attribute cannot be used. I have been using absmiddle because that is the only way I have figured out how to get the text to be vertically-aligned in relation to the image. If I use "middle", then the text is not aligned as I would like it when viewing the page with IE6, but it appears OK in Opera 7.

<td class="NewsHeader">
<img align="Middle" border="0" height="22" hspace="2" vspace="0" width="27" src="images/Calendar.png" alt="Calendar.png">Current Poll
View the page here: <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A>
The image and text in question are "Current Poll" in the upper right portion of the screen. Does anyone have any solutions either in HTML or in CSS? Thanks.

"I'm not a cool person in real life, but I play one on the Internet". Galley