Posted 20 years ago
by Boyd
Sr. Software Developer,
Patterson Consulting, LLC

I've noticed a hardly detectable drawing issue with Indentation Guides in comments. The odd thing about them is that they only seem to be visible when the text is selected or a SpanIndicator with a highlight is behind them.
1) Open Sample Application with C# sample
2) Paste the following code on line 1 (multiple lines of comment indicators with 7 tabs in between):3) Select all the lines of text you just inserted. You should see a vertical bar being drawn at about the 6th tab stop
4) Now click in the margin to set a BreakPoint. You should see the same vertical bar with the SpanIndicator as well.
In general, it looks like this is related to the Indentation Guides.
1) Open Sample Application with C# sample
2) Paste the following code on line 1 (multiple lines of comment indicators with 7 tabs in between):
// //
// //
// //
// //
// //
// //
4) Now click in the margin to set a BreakPoint. You should see the same vertical bar with the SpanIndicator as well.
In general, it looks like this is related to the Indentation Guides.