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ImageProvider Class

Supports a mechanism for retrieving image variations based on chromatic adaptations (color shifting), theme, DPI, etc.

public class ImageProvider
object object



Initializes an instance of the class.

public ImageProvider()



Gets or sets the chromatic adaptation (color shifting) mode to apply to images.

public ImageChromaticAdaptationMode ChromaticAdaptationMode { get; set; }

Property Value


An ImageChromaticAdaptationMode indicating the chromatic adaptation (color shifting) mode to apply to images. The default value is Never.


Chromatic adaptation is the process of taking an image designed for a light theme and dynamically creating a variation of it that renders clearly on a specified background color, sometimes adjusting the brightness and hue as needed. This feature is useful when wanting to have a single set of original images that can be adjusted at run-time to render well in dark themes. This value should be set prior to UI being loaded.


Gets or sets the default ImageProvider instance.

public static ImageProvider Default { get; set; }

Property Value


The default ImageProvider instance.


Gets or sets a Color used in images that when specified, can be swapped out with a Color specified in ForegroundColor.

public Color? DesignForegroundColor { get; set; }

Property Value


A Color used in images that when specified, can be swapped out with a Color specified in ForegroundColor.


This property should generally only be specified when using monochrome vector icons. Specifying a value allows images to switch their foreground dynamically based on a containing control's state (normal, highlighted, etc.). This is necessary when the foreground of the containing control changes drastically and requires an image's foreground to also change to retain a proper contrast ratio.


The brightness threshold to use when generating monochrome image variations.

public byte MonochromeBrightnessThreshold { get; set; }

Property Value



Pixels with brightness at or above this threshold will be made transparent. Pixels with brightness below this threshold will be made a single color, specified in ForegroundColor. Set this value to 0 to prevent monochrome image variations from being supported. This value should be set prior to UI being loaded.


AdaptColor(Color, ImageProviderRequest?)

Adapts the specified Avalonia.Media.Color.

protected virtual Color AdaptColor(Color color, ImageProviderRequest? request)
Parameter Type Description
color Color

The Avalonia.Media.Color to adapt.

request ImageProviderRequest

An ImageProviderRequest that contains request information.



The adapted color.


Gets the value of the CanAdapt attached property for the specified object.

public static bool GetCanAdapt(AvaloniaObject obj)
Parameter Type Description
obj AvaloniaObject

The object from which the property value is read.



The object's value.


Returns the Avalonia.Media.Color associated with the specified Avalonia.Media.IBrush.

public static Color? GetColorFromBrush(IBrush? brush)
Parameter Type Description
brush IBrush

The Avalonia.Media.IBrush to examine.



The Avalonia.Media.Color associated with the specified Avalonia.Media.IBrush.

GetImageSource(IImage, ImageProviderRequest)

Returns the same, or possibly an alternate variation of the specified Avalonia.Media.IImage, based on the request and the provider's settings.

public virtual IImage? GetImageSource(IImage originalImageSource, ImageProviderRequest request)
Parameter Type Description
originalImageSource IImage

The Avalonia.Media.IImage to examine.

request ImageProviderRequest

An ImageProviderRequest that contains request information.



The same or alternate variation of the specified Avalonia.Media.IImage.


Returns the image referenced by the given key.

public virtual IImage? GetImageSource(string key)
Parameter Type Description
key string

The key which identifies the image.



The Avalonia.Media.IImage identified by the key; or null if an Avalonia.Media.IImage could not be identified.

See Also

GetImageSource(string, ImageProviderRequest)

Returns the same, or possibly an alternate variation of the image referenced by the given key, based on the request and the provider's settings.

public virtual IImage? GetImageSource(string key, ImageProviderRequest request)
Parameter Type Description
key string

The key which identifies the image.

request ImageProviderRequest

An ImageProviderRequest that contains request information.



The same or alternate variation of the Avalonia.Media.IImage identified by the key; or null if an Avalonia.Media.IImage could not be identified.

See Also

GetImageSourceWithColorSwatch(IImage, Rect, Color)

Creates a new Avalonia.Media.IImage that renders a rectangular color swatch on top of a provided Avalonia.Media.IImage.

public static IImage GetImageSourceWithColorSwatch(IImage originalImageSource, Rect swatchBounds, Color color)
Parameter Type Description
originalImageSource IImage

The Avalonia.Media.IImage under which to render a color swatch.

swatchBounds Rect

The color swatch bounds, relative to the originalImageSource's bounds.

color Color

The Avalonia.Media.Color to render in the swatch.



The Avalonia.Media.IImage that was created.


Gets the value of the Provider attached property for the specified object.

public static ImageProvider? GetProvider(AvaloniaObject obj)
Parameter Type Description
obj AvaloniaObject

The object from which the property value is read.



The object's value.

SetCanAdapt(AvaloniaObject, bool)

Sets the value of the CanAdapt attached property to the specified object.

public static void SetCanAdapt(AvaloniaObject obj, bool value)
Parameter Type Description
obj AvaloniaObject

The object to which the attached property is written.

value bool

The value to set.

SetProvider(AvaloniaObject, ImageProvider?)

Sets the value of the Provider attached property to the specified object.

public static void SetProvider(AvaloniaObject obj, ImageProvider? value)
Parameter Type Description
obj AvaloniaObject

The object to which the attached property is written.

value ImageProvider

The value to set.



Identifies the CanAdapt dependency property.

public static readonly AttachedProperty<bool> CanAdaptProperty


Identifies the Provider dependency property.

public static readonly AttachedProperty<ImageProvider?> ProviderProperty

Inherited Members

Extension Methods