In This Article

OfficeClassicBarRenderer Class

Provides a renderer for bar controls that have an Office classic appearance.

public class OfficeClassicBarRenderer : WindowsClassicBarRenderer, IDisposable, IBarRenderer, IUIRenderer
object MarshalByRefObject DisposableObject UIRenderer BarRenderer WindowsClassicBarRenderer object
IDisposable IBarRenderer IUIRenderer



Initializes a new instance of the class.

public OfficeClassicBarRenderer()


The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values.


Initializes a new instance of the class.

public OfficeClassicBarRenderer(IWindowsColorScheme colorScheme)
Parameter Type Description
colorScheme IWindowsColorScheme

The IWindowsColorScheme to use as a base for the colors.


Initializes a new instance of the class.

public OfficeClassicBarRenderer(WindowsColorSchemeType colorSchemeType)
Parameter Type Description
colorSchemeType WindowsColorSchemeType

The WindowsColorSchemeType to use as a base for the colors.



Gets or sets the WindowsColorSchemeType to use as a base for the colors.

public WindowsColorSchemeType BaseColorSchemeType { get; set; }

Property Value


The WindowsColorSchemeType to use as a base for the colors.


DrawDockableToolBarGripper(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, DockableToolBar)

Draws a dockable toolbar gripper.

public override void DrawDockableToolBarGripper(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, DockableToolBar toolBar)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

toolBar DockableToolBar

The DockableToolBar being painted.

Draws a dockable toolbar options button.

public override void DrawDockableToolBarOptionsButton(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, DockableToolBar toolBar, BarPopupButtonLink link)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

toolBar DockableToolBar

The DockableToolBar containing the link being painted.

link BarPopupButtonLink

The BarPopupButtonLink being painted.

Inherited Members