In This Article

OfficeClassicStatusBarRenderer Class

Provides a renderer for StatusBar controls that have an Office classic appearance.

public class OfficeClassicStatusBarRenderer : VisualStudioClassicStatusBarRenderer, IDisposable, IStatusBarRenderer, IUIRenderer
object MarshalByRefObject DisposableObject UIRenderer StatusBarRenderer VisualStudioClassicStatusBarRenderer object
IDisposable IStatusBarRenderer IUIRenderer



Initializes a new instance of the class.

public OfficeClassicStatusBarRenderer()


The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values.


DrawStatusBarLabelPanel(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, StatusBarLabelPanel)

Draws the a StatusBarLabelPanel.

public override void DrawStatusBarLabelPanel(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, StatusBarLabelPanel panel)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

panel StatusBarLabelPanel

The StatusBarLabelPanel being painted.

DrawStatusBarProgressBarPanel(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, StatusBarProgressBarPanel)

public override void DrawStatusBarProgressBarPanel(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, StatusBarProgressBarPanel panel)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

panel StatusBarProgressBarPanel

The StatusBarProgressBarPanel being painted.

Inherited Members