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IDockRenderer Interface

Provides the base requirements for a renderer of dock controls.

public interface IDockRenderer : IUIRenderer



Gets the margin space that surrounds a tab group in a AutoHideTabStripPanel control.

int AutoHideTabGroupMargin { get; }

Property Value


The margin space that surrounds a tab group in a AutoHideTabStripPanel control.


Gets the margin space that surrounds an image in a AutoHideTab.

int AutoHideTabImageMargin { get; }

Property Value


The margin space that surrounds an image in a AutoHideTab.


Gets the amount of space that a AutoHideTab should be indented.

int AutoHideTabIndent { get; }

Property Value


The amount of space that a AutoHideTab should be indented.


Gets the margin space between a AutoHideTab and the outer edge of the control.

int AutoHideTabOuterMargin { get; }

Property Value


The margin space between a AutoHideTab and the outer edge of the control.


Gets the amount of space that sequential AutoHideTab elements overlap each other.

int AutoHideTabOverlap { get; }

Property Value


The amount of space that sequential AutoHideTab elements overlap each other.


Gets the Font to use when drawing the selected tab of a AutoHideTabGroup.

Font AutoHideTabSelectedFont { get; }

Property Value


The Font to use when drawing the selected tab of a AutoHideTabGroup.


Gets the margin space that surrounds the outside of an AutoHideTabStripPanel.

int AutoHideTabStripPanelMargin { get; }

Property Value


The margin space that surrounds the outside of an AutoHideTabStripPanel.


Gets the margin space that surrounds the text in a AutoHideTab.

int AutoHideTabTextMargin { get; }

Property Value


The margin space that surrounds the text in a AutoHideTab.


Gets the Font to use when drawing the unselected tab of a AutoHideTabGroup.

Font AutoHideTabUnselectedFont { get; }

Property Value


The Font to use when drawing the unselected tab of a AutoHideTabGroup.


Gets the Size of a DockContainer title bar button.

Size DockContainerTitleBarButtonSize { get; }

Property Value


The Size of a DockContainer title bar button.


Gets the Font to use when drawing a DockContainer title bar.

Font DockContainerTitleBarFont { get; }

Property Value


The Font to use when drawing a DockContainer title bar.


Gets the extent of a splitter.

int SplitterExtent { get; }

Property Value


The extent of a splitter.


Gets the margin space that surrounds the content in a TabbedMdiContainer.

int TabbedMdiContainerPadding { get; }

Property Value


The margin space that surrounds the content in a TabbedMdiContainer.


DrawAutoHideTab(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, AutoHideTab)

Draws a AutoHideTab.

void DrawAutoHideTab(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, AutoHideTab autoHideTab)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

autoHideTab AutoHideTab

The AutoHideTab that is being painted.

DrawAutoHideTabStripPanelBackground(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, AutoHideTabStripPanel)

Draws the background of a AutoHideTabStripPanel control.

void DrawAutoHideTabStripPanelBackground(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, AutoHideTabStripPanel autoHideTabStripPanel)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

autoHideTabStripPanel AutoHideTabStripPanel

The AutoHideTabStripPanel being painted.

DrawDockContainerBackground(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, DockContainer)

Draws the background of a DockContainer.

void DrawDockContainerBackground(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, DockContainer dockContainer)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

dockContainer DockContainer

The DockContainer that is being painted.

DrawDockContainerTitleBarBackground(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, DockContainer)

Draws the background of a DockContainer title bar.

void DrawDockContainerTitleBarBackground(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, DockContainer dockContainer)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

dockContainer DockContainer

The DockContainer whose title bar is being painted.

DrawDockContainerTitleBarButton(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, DockContainerTitleBarButton)

void DrawDockContainerTitleBarButton(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, DockContainerTitleBarButton button)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

button DockContainerTitleBarButton

The DockContainerTitleBarButton that is being painted.

DrawDockContainerTitleBarForeground(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, DockContainer)

Draws the foreground of a DockContainer title bar.

void DrawDockContainerTitleBarForeground(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, DockContainer dockContainer)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

dockContainer DockContainer

The DockContainer whose title bar is being painted.

DrawDockObjectSplitter(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, IDockObject, Orientation)

Draws the background of a splitter for a IDockObject.

void DrawDockObjectSplitter(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, IDockObject dockObject, Orientation orientation)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

dockObject IDockObject

The IDockObject whose splitter is being painted.

orientation Orientation

The Orientation of the splitter.

DrawTabbedMdiContainerBackground(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, TabbedMdiContainer)

Draws the background of a TabbedMdiContainer.

void DrawTabbedMdiContainerBackground(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, TabbedMdiContainer tabbedMdiContainer)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

tabbedMdiContainer TabbedMdiContainer

The TabbedMdiContainer whose title bar is being painted.

DrawTabbedMdiRootContainerBackground(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, TabbedMdiRootContainer)

Draws the background of a TabbedMdiRootContainer.

void DrawTabbedMdiRootContainerBackground(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, TabbedMdiRootContainer mdiRootContainer)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

mdiRootContainer TabbedMdiRootContainer

The TabbedMdiRootContainer whose title bar is being painted.

DrawTabbedMdiWindowBackground(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, TabbedMdiWindow)

Draws the background of a TabbedMdiWindow.

void DrawTabbedMdiWindowBackground(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, TabbedMdiWindow tabbedMdiWindow)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

tabbedMdiWindow TabbedMdiWindow

The TabbedMdiWindow that is being painted.

MeasureAutoHideTab(Graphics, AutoHideTab)

Measures the tab for the specified AutoHideTab.

Size MeasureAutoHideTab(Graphics g, AutoHideTab autoHideTab)
Parameter Type Description
g Graphics

The Graphics object used to measure.

autoHideTab AutoHideTab

The AutoHideTab whose tab is being measured.



The Size of the tab.

MeasureDockContainerTitleBar(Graphics, Size, DockContainer)

Measures a DockContainer title bar.

Size MeasureDockContainerTitleBar(Graphics g, Size availableSize, DockContainer dockContainer)
Parameter Type Description
g Graphics

The Graphics object used to measure.

availableSize Size

The available size.

dockContainer DockContainer

The DockContainer whose title bar is being measured.



The Size of the title bar.

Inherited Members