In This Article

NavigationBarRenderer Class

Provides a base renderer for the NavigationBar control.

public abstract class NavigationBarRenderer : UIRenderer, IDisposable, INavigationBarRenderer, IUIRenderer
Object MarshalByRefObject DisposableObject UIRenderer Object
System.IDisposable INavigationBarRenderer IUIRenderer



Initializes a new instance of the NavigationBarRenderer class.

public NavigationBarRenderer()


The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values.


Initializes a new instance of the NavigationBarRenderer class.

protected NavigationBarRenderer(IWindowsColorScheme colorScheme)
Parameter Type Description
colorScheme IWindowsColorScheme

The IWindowsColorScheme to use as a base for the colors.


The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values.



Gets a NavigationBarRenderer that should be used based on the current system settings.

public static NavigationBarRenderer DefaultRenderer { get; }

Property Value


A NavigationBarRenderer that should be used based on the current system settings.


Gets or sets the width of a NavigationBar overflow menu button.

public virtual int NavigationBarOverflowMenuButtonWidth { get; set; }

Property Value


The width of a NavigationBar overflow menu button.


Gets or sets the height of a NavigationBar splitter.

public virtual int NavigationBarSplitterHeight { get; set; }

Property Value


The height of a NavigationBar splitter.


Gets or sets the height of a NavigationPaneButton.

public virtual int NavigationPaneButtonHeight { get; set; }

Property Value


The height of a NavigationPaneButton.


Gets or sets the width of a NavigationPaneButton in the overflow area.

public virtual int NavigationPaneButtonOverflowWidth { get; set; }

Property Value


The width of a NavigationPaneButton in the overflow area.


Gets or sets whether to reset all properties when a system color change event occurs.

public bool ResetAllPropertiesOnSystemColorChange { get; set; }

Property Value


true if all properties should be reset; otherwise, false.


DrawNavigationBarBackground(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, NavigationBar)

Draws the background of a NavigationBar control.

public abstract void DrawNavigationBarBackground(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, NavigationBar navigationBar)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

navigationBar NavigationBar

The NavigationBar being painted.

DrawNavigationBarHeader(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, NavigationBar)

Draws the header of a NavigationBar control.

public abstract void DrawNavigationBarHeader(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, NavigationBar navigationBar)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

navigationBar NavigationBar

The NavigationBar being painted.

DrawNavigationBarHeader(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, NavigationBarPanel)

Draws the header of a NavigationBarPanel control.

public abstract void DrawNavigationBarHeader(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, NavigationBarPanel navigationBarPanel)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

navigationBarPanel NavigationBarPanel

The NavigationBarPanel being painted.

DrawNavigationBarOverflowArea(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, NavigationBar)

Draws the overflow area of a NavigationBar control.

public abstract void DrawNavigationBarOverflowArea(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, NavigationBar navigationBar)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

navigationBar NavigationBar

The NavigationBar being painted.

DrawNavigationBarOverflowMenuButton(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, NavigationBarOverflowMenuButton)

Draws the overflow menu button of a NavigationBar control.

public abstract void DrawNavigationBarOverflowMenuButton(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, NavigationBarOverflowMenuButton menuButton)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

menuButton NavigationBarOverflowMenuButton

The NavigationBarOverflowMenuButton being painted.

DrawNavigationBarPanelBackground(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, NavigationBarPanel)

Draws the background of a NavigationBarPanel control.

public abstract void DrawNavigationBarPanelBackground(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, NavigationBarPanel navigationBarPanel)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

navigationBarPanel NavigationBarPanel

The NavigationBarPanel being painted.

DrawNavigationBarSplitter(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, NavigationBar)

Draws the splitter of a NavigationBar control.

public abstract void DrawNavigationBarSplitter(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, NavigationBar navigationBar)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

navigationBar NavigationBar

The NavigationBar being painted.

DrawNavigationPaneBackground(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, NavigationPane)

Draws the background of a NavigationPane control.

public abstract void DrawNavigationPaneBackground(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, NavigationPane navigationPane)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

navigationPane NavigationPane

The NavigationPane being painted.

DrawNavigationPaneButton(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, NavigationPaneButton)

Draws the NavigationPaneButton for a NavigationPane in a NavigationBar control.

public abstract void DrawNavigationPaneButton(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, NavigationPaneButton button)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

button NavigationPaneButton

The NavigationPaneButton to draw.

MeasureNavigationBarHeader(Graphics, NavigationBar)

Measures the header for the specified NavigationBar.

public abstract Size MeasureNavigationBarHeader(Graphics g, NavigationBar navigationBar)
Parameter Type Description
g Graphics

The Graphics object used to measure.

navigationBar NavigationBar

The NavigationBar whose header is being measured.



The Size of the header.

MeasureNavigationBarHeader(Graphics, NavigationBarPanel)

Measures the header for the specified NavigationBarPanel.

public abstract Size MeasureNavigationBarHeader(Graphics g, NavigationBarPanel navigationBarPanel)
Parameter Type Description
g Graphics

The Graphics object used to measure.

navigationBarPanel NavigationBarPanel

The NavigationBarPanel whose header is being measured.



The Size of the header.


Occurs when user preferences are changed for the color category.

protected override void OnSystemUserPreferenceColorChanged()


This method will only be invoked if IsSystemUserPreferenceColorChangeMonitored returns true.


Resets all property values to their defaults.

protected virtual void ResetAll(bool force)
Parameter Type Description
force Boolean

Whether to force resetting.


Resets the NavigationBarOverflowMenuButtonWidth property to its default value.

public virtual void ResetNavigationBarOverflowMenuButtonWidth()


Resets the NavigationBarSplitterHeight property to its default value.

public virtual void ResetNavigationBarSplitterHeight()


Resets the NavigationPaneButtonHeight property to its default value.

public virtual void ResetNavigationPaneButtonHeight()


Resets the NavigationPaneButtonOverflowWidth property to its default value.

public virtual void ResetNavigationPaneButtonOverflowWidth()


Resets the ResetAllPropertiesOnSystemColorChange property to its default value.

public virtual void ResetResetAllPropertiesOnSystemColorChange()


Indicates whether the NavigationBarOverflowMenuButtonWidth property should be persisted.

public virtual bool ShouldSerializeNavigationBarOverflowMenuButtonWidth()



true if the property value has changed from its default; otherwise, false.


Indicates whether the NavigationBarSplitterHeight property should be persisted.

public virtual bool ShouldSerializeNavigationBarSplitterHeight()



true if the property value has changed from its default; otherwise, false.


Indicates whether the NavigationPaneButtonHeight property should be persisted.

public virtual bool ShouldSerializeNavigationPaneButtonHeight()



true if the property value has changed from its default; otherwise, false.


Indicates whether the NavigationPaneButtonOverflowWidth property should be persisted.

public virtual bool ShouldSerializeNavigationPaneButtonOverflowWidth()



true if the property value has changed from its default; otherwise, false.


Indicates whether the ResetAllPropertiesOnSystemColorChange property should be persisted.

public virtual bool ShouldSerializeResetAllPropertiesOnSystemColorChange()



true if the property value has changed from its default; otherwise, false.

Inherited Members

Extension Methods