In This Article

CompletionSession Class

Represents an IntelliPrompt completion session.

public class CompletionSession : IntelliPromptSessionBase, ICompletionSession, IIntelliPromptSession, IServiceLocator, IEditorDocumentTextChangeEventSink, IEditorViewKeyInputEventSink, IEditorViewPointerInputEventSink, IEditorViewSelectionChangeEventSink, IEditorViewTextInputEventSink
object IntelliPromptSessionBase object
ICompletionSession IIntelliPromptSession IServiceLocator IEditorDocumentTextChangeEventSink IEditorViewKeyInputEventSink IEditorViewPointerInputEventSink IEditorViewSelectionChangeEventSink IEditorViewTextInputEventSink



Initializes a new instance of the CompletionSession class.

public CompletionSession()



Gets or sets the CharClass containing the non-letter/digit characters allowed to be typed while the completion popup is displayed.

public CharClass AllowedCharacters { get; set; }

Property Value


The CharClass containing the non-letter/digit characters allowed to be typed while the completion popup is displayed.


All letter and digit characters are automatically allowed by the completion popup and therefore do not need to added to this property. This property should only contain additional non-letter/digit characters that need to be allowed.

When a character is typed, it's first checked to see if it's a letter, number, or is in the AllowedCharacters collection. If any of those cases is true, the character is entered into the editor and the session remains open. If instead the character is in the CommitCharacters collection and there is a full selection in the completion list, a Commit() occurs. Otherwise, the session is cancelled.


Gets the view-relative bounds of the session's open popup, if available.

public override Rectangle? Bounds { get; }

Property Value


The view-relative bounds of the session's open popup, if available.


Gets or sets whether the session can immediately commit if a single match is made when the session is opened, commonly known as "complete word" functionality.

public bool CanCommitWithoutPopup { get; set; }

Property Value


true if the session can immediately commit if a single match is made when the session is opened; otherwise, false. The default value is true.


A value of false will force the popup list to always display, even if a single match is made upon open.


Gets or sets whether to filter out items that don't match the typed text, thereby shrinking the list of visible items.

public bool CanFilterUnmatchedItems { get; set; }

Property Value


true if items that don't match the typed text should be filtered out, thereby shrinking the list of visible items; otherwise, false. The default value is false.


Gets or sets whether list items show possible matched characters in a highlight color.

public bool CanHighlightMatchedText { get; set; }

Property Value


true if list items show possible matched characters in a highlight color; otherwise, false. The default value is true.


Gets whether the session is able to be opened for read-only text ranges.

protected override bool CanOpenForReadOnlyTextRanges { get; }

Property Value


true if the session is able to be opened for read-only text ranges; otherwise, false. The default value is false.


Returns whether this session auto-closes when the editor or any IntelliPrompt popups lose focus.

public override bool ClosesOnLostFocus { get; }

Property Value


true if this session auto-closes when the editor or any IntelliPrompt popups lose focus; otherwise, false.


Gets or sets the CharClass containing the characters that can be typed when there is a full selection to trigger a Commit().

public CharClass CommitCharacters { get; set; }

Property Value


The CharClass containing the characters that can be typed when there is a full selection to trigger a Commit().


The default value of this property is a CharClass that contains all characters.

When a character is typed, it's first checked to see if it's a letter, number, or is in the AllowedCharacters collection. If any of those cases is true, the character is entered into the editor and the session remains open. If instead the character is in the CommitCharacters collection and there is a full selection in the completion list, a Commit() occurs. Otherwise, the session is cancelled.


Gets or sets an object that describes the context in which the completion session is opened.

public object Context { get; set; }

Property Value


An object that describes the context in which the completion session is opened.


Gets or sets the opacity of the popup while the control key is pressed.

public double ControlKeyDownOpacity { get; set; }

Property Value


The opacity of the popup while the control key is pressed. The default value is 0.25.


Set the value to 1.0 to prevent opacity changes when the control key is pressed.


Gets or sets the description tip popup's maximum width.

public int DescriptionTipMaxWidth { get; set; }

Property Value


The description tip popup's maximum width, or NaN to indicate no constraint. The default value is 800.


Gets or sets the TimeSpan to wait after the selection is updated before showing the description tip.

public TimeSpan DescriptionTipShowDelay { get; set; }

Property Value


The TimeSpan to wait after the selection is updated before showing the description tip. The default value is 400ms.


Gets the read-only collection of filtered ICompletionItem objects that are visible within the completion list.

public ICompletionItemCollectionView FilteredItems { get; }

Property Value


The read-only collection of filtered ICompletionItem objects that are visible within the completion list.


Gets the collection of ICompletionFilter objects that can be applied to the session.

public ICompletionFilterCollection Filters { get; }

Property Value


The collection of ICompletionFilter objects that can be applied to the session.


Gets or sets whether the Enter key is handled (not allowed to insert a line feed) when it commits the session.

public bool IsEnterKeyHandledOnCommit { get; set; }

Property Value


true if the Enter key is handled (not allowed to insert a line feed) when it commits the session; otherwise, false. The default value is true.


Gets the collection of ICompletionItemMatcher objects to use when matching items.

public ICompletionItemMatcherCollection ItemMatchers { get; }

Property Value


The collection of ICompletionItemMatcher objects to use when matching items.


Gets the collection of ICompletionItem objects within the completion.

public ICompletionItemCollection Items { get; }

Property Value


The collection of ICompletionItem objects within the completion.


Gets or sets the CompletionMatchOptions indicating the options to use when matching items.

public CompletionMatchOptions MatchOptions { get; set; }

Property Value


The CompletionMatchOptions indicating the options to use when matching items.


Gets the placement Rectangle, if known, around which the session should be placed.

protected virtual Rectangle? PlacementRectangle { get; }

Property Value


The placement Rectangle, if known, around which the session should be placed.


Gets the placement target for the session, if known.

protected virtual IUIElement PlacementTarget { get; }

Property Value


The placement target for the session, if known.


The view will be used if this property returns null.


Gets or sets whether to apply filters when a text change occurs.

public bool RequiresFilterOnTextChange { get; set; }

Property Value


true if filters should be applied when a text change occurs; otherwise, false. The default value is false.


Gets a CompletionSelection indicating the current selection within the completion.

public CompletionSelection Selection { get; set; }

Property Value


A CompletionSelection indicating the current selection within the completion.


Gets the IIntelliPromptSessionType that identifies the type of session.

public override IIntelliPromptSessionType SessionType { get; }

Property Value


The IIntelliPromptSessionType that identifies the type of session.


Gets the text that has been used to initialize the session and/or been entered by the end user since the session opened.

public string TypedText { get; }

Property Value


The text that has been used to initialize the session and/or been entered by the end user since the session opened.



Re-applies the active filters and rebuilds the FilteredItems collection.

public void ApplyFilters()


Cancels the completion session.

public void Cancel()


Closes the description tip if it is open.

public void CloseDescriptionTip()


Commits the completion session and performs an auto-complete if there is a Selection available.

public void Commit()


Creates an IntelliPromptCompletionList that is to be displayed in a popup.

protected virtual IntelliPromptCompletionList CreatePopupContent()



The control that was created.


Raises the Closed event.

protected override void OnClosed(CancelEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e CancelEventArgs

An CancelEventArgs that contains the event data.


Raises the Committed event.

protected virtual void OnCommitted(EventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e EventArgs

An EventArgs that contains the event data.


Raises the Committing event.

protected virtual void OnCommitting(CancelEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e CancelEventArgs

An CancelEventArgs that contains the event data.

OnDocumentTextChanged(SyntaxEditor, EditorSnapshotChangedEventArgs)

Occurs after a text change occurs to an IEditorDocument that uses this language.

protected virtual void OnDocumentTextChanged(SyntaxEditor editor, EditorSnapshotChangedEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
editor SyntaxEditor

The SyntaxEditor whose IEditorDocument is changed.

e EditorSnapshotChangedEventArgs

The EditorSnapshotChangedEventArgs that contains the event data.

OnDocumentTextChanging(SyntaxEditor, EditorSnapshotChangingEventArgs)

Occurs before a text change occurs to an IEditorDocument that uses this language.

protected virtual void OnDocumentTextChanging(SyntaxEditor editor, EditorSnapshotChangingEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
editor SyntaxEditor

The SyntaxEditor whose IEditorDocument is changed.

e EditorSnapshotChangingEventArgs

The EditorSnapshotChangingEventArgs that contains the event data.


Raises the Opened event.

protected override void OnOpened(EventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e EventArgs

An EventArgs that contains the event data.


Raises the SelectionChanged event.

protected virtual void OnSelectionChanged(EventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e EventArgs

An EventArgs that contains the event data.

OnViewKeyDown(IEditorView, KeyEventArgs)

Occurs when a key is pressed down while focus is in the specified IEditorView.

protected virtual void OnViewKeyDown(IEditorView view, KeyEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
view IEditorView

The IEditorView that received the event.

e KeyEventArgs

The KeyEventArgs that contains the event data.

OnViewKeyUp(IEditorView, KeyEventArgs)

Occurs when a key is released while focus is in the specified IEditorView.

protected virtual void OnViewKeyUp(IEditorView view, KeyEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
view IEditorView

The IEditorView that received the event.

e KeyEventArgs

The KeyEventArgs that contains the event data.

OnViewPointerPressed(IEditorView, InputPointerButtonEventArgs)

Occurs when a pointer button is pressed over the specified IEditorView.

protected virtual void OnViewPointerPressed(IEditorView view, InputPointerButtonEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
view IEditorView

The IEditorView that received the event.

e InputPointerButtonEventArgs

The InputPointerButtonEventArgs that contains the event data.

OnViewSelectionChanged(IEditorView, EditorViewSelectionEventArgs)

Occurs when the selection is changed in the specified IEditorView.

protected virtual void OnViewSelectionChanged(IEditorView view, EditorViewSelectionEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
view IEditorView

The IEditorView that received the event.

e EditorViewSelectionEventArgs

The EditorViewSelectionEventArgs that contains the event data.

OnViewTextInput(IEditorView, TextCompositionEventArgs)

Occurs before text is input to the specified IEditorView.

protected virtual void OnViewTextInput(IEditorView view, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
view IEditorView

The IEditorView that received the event.

e TextCompositionEventArgs

The TextCompositionEventArgs that contains the event data.


Opens the session, attaching to the specified IEditorView.

public void Open(IEditorView view)
Parameter Type Description
view IEditorView

The IEditorView in which the session is opened.


Notifies the session that it should reposition its user interface.

public override void Reposition()


Restarts the description tip display timer.

public void RestartDescriptionTipTimer()


Sorts the items in the session using the default sort comparer.

public void SortItems()


Items should always be sorted before the session is opened for an optimal user experience. This method should be called to sort the items right before the session is opened if the items were not pre-sorted.


Sorts the items in the session using a custom comparer.

public void SortItems(IComparer<ICompletionItem> comparer)
Parameter Type Description
comparer IComparer<ICompletionItem>

The IComparer<T> to use.


Items should always be sorted before the session is opened for an optimal user experience. This method should be called to sort the items right before the session is opened if the items were not pre-sorted.

TranslateTrackedSnapshotRange(TextSnapshotRange, ITextSnapshot)

Translates the TextSnapshotRange that is tracked for replacement to a range in a new ITextSnapshot.

protected virtual TextSnapshotRange TranslateTrackedSnapshotRange(TextSnapshotRange snapshotRange, ITextSnapshot targetSnapshot)
Parameter Type Description
snapshotRange TextSnapshotRange

The TextSnapshotRange to translate.

targetSnapshot ITextSnapshot

The target ITextSnapshot.



The translated TextSnapshotRange.



Occurs after the session is committed.

public event EventHandler Committed

Event Type



Occurs before the session is committed, allowing it to be cancelled.

public event EventHandler<CancelEventArgs> Committing

Event Type



Occurs after the Selection has changed.

public event EventHandler SelectionChanged

Event Type


Inherited Members