In This Article

WindowsXPScrollBarRenderer Class

Provides a renderer for the ScrollBar control that has a Windows XP color scheme.

public class WindowsXPScrollBarRenderer : ScrollBarRenderer, IScrollBarRenderer, IDisposable, IUIRenderer
Object MarshalByRefObject DisposableObject ScrollBarRenderer Object
IScrollBarRenderer IDisposable IUIRenderer



Initializes a new instance of the WindowsXPScrollBarRenderer class.

public WindowsXPScrollBarRenderer()


The default constructor initializes all fields to their default values.



Gets whether themes should be used when drawing the control.

public bool UseThemes { get; set; }

Property Value


true if themes should be used when drawing the control; otherwise, false.


DrawScrollBarBackground(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, ScrollBar)

Draws the background of a ScrollBar control.

public override void DrawScrollBarBackground(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, ScrollBar scrollBar)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

scrollBar ScrollBar

The ScrollBar being painted.

DrawScrollBarButton(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, ScrollBarButton)

Draws a ScrollBarButton.

public override void DrawScrollBarButton(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, ScrollBarButton button)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

button ScrollBarButton

The ScrollBarButton that is being painted.

DrawScrollBarThumb(PaintEventArgs, Rectangle, ScrollBarThumb)

Draws a ScrollBarThumb.

public override void DrawScrollBarThumb(PaintEventArgs e, Rectangle bounds, ScrollBarThumb thumb)
Parameter Type Description
e PaintEventArgs

A PaintEventArgs that contains the event data.

bounds Rectangle

The bounds in which to draw.

thumb ScrollBarThumb

The ScrollBarThumb that is being painted.

Inherited Members