In This Article

Object Model

The Dock controls have a number of controls that are used to build the docking window system.


At the center of the docking window system is the DockManager component. The manager controls all of the docking windows in the system. To add docking window functionality to your applications, you must create a DockManager component on a Form and assign it a host container control.

IDockObject Interface

All dock objects implement the IDockObject interface. This interface provides access to the common DockManager component and also indicates the dock object type.

Tool Window

Tool windows, represented by the ToolWindow class, inherit from the TabbedMdiWindow class. This allows them to be used in the MDI area, when MDI is used. Tool windows can be dragged and docked to other dock objects, including the side of the host container control. They can be attached together, which makes them share the same client area and adds a tabstrip that is used to select which tool window is displayed. They can be undocked to floating windows and nested in hierarchies in those windows. They can enter auto-hide mode on any side of the host container control.

Document Window

Document windows, represented by the DocumentWindow class, also inherit from the TabbedMdiWindow class. Document windows are limited to the MDI area. Their lifetime typically only lasts during the time in which they are displayed.

Tool Window Container

A tool window container is represented by the ToolWindowContainer class. It is used as a container for tool windows that are docked in the host container control as well as in floating windows.


These controls should never be created programmatically by the developer since they are created as-needed by the DockManager.

Dock Container Container

A dock container container is represented by the DockContainerContainer class. It is used as a container for other dock containers which can include tool window containers and dock container containers.


These controls should never be created programmatically by the developer since they are created as-needed by the DockManager.

Auto-Hide TabStrip Panel

An auto-hide tabstrip panel is represented by the AutoHideTabStripPanel class. It is used as a tabstrip for tool windows that are in auto-hide mode. It does not contain any tool windows but does have an associated auto-hide container that does contain the tool windows.


These controls should never be created programmatically by the developer since they are created as-needed by the DockManager.

Auto-Hide Container

An auto-hide container is represented by the AutoHideContainer class. It is used as a container for tool windows that are in auto-hide mode on the side of the host container control.


These controls should never be created programmatically by the developer since they are created as-needed by the DockManager.

Tabbed MDI Root Container

A tabbed MDI root container is represented by the TabbedMdiRootContainer class. It fills the inner MDI area of the host container control when the Tabbed MDI mode is used. It contains tabbed MDI containers, which in turn display the tool and document windows in the MDI area.


These controls should never be created programmatically by the developer since they are created as-needed by the DockManager.

Tabbed MDI Container

A tabbed MDI container is represented by the TabbedMdiContainer class. It is used as a container for tool and document windows that are in the MDI area when Tabbed MDI mode is used.


These controls should never be created programmatically by the developer since they are created as-needed by the DockManager.