In This Article

Working with Documents

The MDI area managed by a DockManager can contain documents.


Documents can be tool or document windows, so it is important to remember that the functionality below describes any tool or document window that is active in the MDI area.

Active Documents Collection

The DockManager maintains an ActiveDocuments collection that contains all of the active documents in the document MDI area. This is useful for populating Window menus that list open documents.

When in Tabbed MDI mode, special code keeps the order of the documents in the collection in sync with the order in which they appear in the visual interface. This keeps the list of documents consistent with what the end-user sees.

Closing All Active Documents

All documents can be quickly closed by using the CloseAllActiveDocuments method. The method accepts a boolean parameter indicating whether to force the closings or not. If the closings are forced, they cannot be cancelled by handling the WindowClosing event and setting its event argument's Cancel property to true.

IDEs typically provide this feature as a Close All Documents menu item on a Window menu.

Selected Document

The currently selected window in the MDI area is available via the SelectedDocument property on the DockManager.

If using Tabbed MDI mode, the SelectedTabbedMdiContainerChanged event of the DockManager is raised whenever the selected tabbed MDI container is changed.

The SelectedDocumentChanged event of the DockManager is raised whenever a new tool or document window is selected within the MDI area.