In This Article

Line Commenting

The text framework includes an extensible interface for commenting and uncommenting regions of text. Both line-based and range comment styles are supported.

Commenting is performed by inserting language-specific comment delimiters. Uncommenting is performed by removing the language-specific comment delimiters.

Registering a Line Commenter with a Syntax Language

Line commenters implement the ILineCommenter interface. This interface defines two methods.

An ILineCommenter can be associated with an ISyntaxLanguage by registering it with the language:


Registering line commenters with a language is optional but recommended.

Commenting a Range of Text

This code uses an ICodeDocument's current language's line commenter to comment out a range of text from offset 0-10:

if (document.Language.LineCommenter != null) {
	TextSnapshotRange range = new TextSnapshotRange(document.CurrentSnapshot, 0, 10);
	ITextChangeOptions options = new TextChangeOptions();
	document.Language.LineCommenter.Comment(range, options);

Uncommenting a Range of Text

This code uses an ICodeDocument's current language's line commenter to uncomment a range of text from offsets 0 to 10:

if (document.Language.LineCommenter != null) {
	TextSnapshotRange range = new TextSnapshotRange(document.CurrentSnapshot, 0, 10);
	ITextChangeOptions options = new TextChangeOptions();
	document.Language.LineCommenter.Uncomment(range, options);

Creating a Line-Based Line Commenter

Line-based line commenters are used in languages like C# where // should be used to comment out lines of text. To accomplish this, create a LineBasedLineCommenter object.

LineBasedLineCommenter already has the comment and uncomment code implemented. However, it defines a StartDelimiter property that must be set to the start comment delimiter for your language.

LineBasedLineCommenter has a CanCommentEmptyLines property that determines whether to comment a line that is only whitespace. The default is true.

For C#, this would be set to the string //. For VB, this would be set to the string '.

Creating a Range Line Commenter

Range line commenters are used in languages like XML where <!-- --> should be used to comment out lines of text. To accomplish this, create a RangeLineCommenter object.

RangeLineCommenter already has the comment and uncomment code implemented. However, it defines a StartDelimiter and EndDelimiter properties that must be set to the start and end comment delimiters for your language.

For XML, the start delimiter would be set to the string <!-- and the end delimiter would be set to the string -->.

Comment Token ID

If your range comment consists of a single token and you wish to enhance the comment locating logic when performing an uncomment, set the RangeLineCommenter.CommentTokenId property to the comment token's ID. As long as the selection is fully within a token with that ID, it will be found.

Advanced Logic

If your range comment consists of multiple tokens or requires more advanced logic to properly locate it, you can override the virtual RangeLineCommenter.FindCommentTextRange method. It passes in the TextSnapshotRange to examine. You can create a snapshot reader to examine text and tokens over that range. Then return a TextRange indicating the range of the comment. If no comment was found, return null instead.