In This Article


The core text features presented in this portion of the documentation are essential knowledge for working with nearly every other portion of the product.

Documents, Snapshots, and Versions

Documents, snapshots, and versions are used to store text data. Documents allow for text updates, while a snapshot provides an immutable view of text within a document for a certain version that can be read.

See the Documents, Snapshots, and Versions topic for more information.

Offsets, Ranges, and Positions

There are several ways to reference the location of characters within a string or snapshot, each with their own benefits.

See the Offsets, Ranges, and Positions topic for more information.

Line Terminators

While the text framework can load text using any sort of standard line terminator character sequence, the framework internally tracks all line terminators as a single line feed character. Text can easily be exported back out with any line terminator.

See the Line Terminators topic for more information.

Snapshot Translation

Offsets and offset ranges can be translated from one snapshot to another using a feature called snapshot translation. Snapshots are immutable views of a document and are able to determine the changes made between any two snapshots for the same document. This allows for the locating of a certain offset or range of text in the current snapshot based on some offset/range created using an older snapshot, even with mutiple document changes being made in between the two snapshots.

See the Snapshot Translation topic for more information.

Text Changes and Operations

A large portion of the text framework is focused on the ability to make changes to document text. Multiple individual replace transactions, called text change operations, can be batched up into a single text change and performed together as a single modification.

See the Text Changes and Operations topic for more information.

Scanning Text Using a Reader

The text framework has very robust features built-in for scanning through snapshot text via the use of readers.

See the Scanning Text Using a Reader topic for more information.

Loading and Saving Files

It's very easy to load document text from a file, stream, or string. Likewise, document text can be saved back out to a file, stream, or string.

See the Loading and Saving Files topic for more information.