ActiproSoftware.Text.Analysis Namespace
IAutoCorrector | Provides the base requirements for a class that can perform auto-correction. |
ICodeBlockFinder | Provides the base requirements for a class that can find containing code blocks, generally used for code block selection expansion in an editor. |
IDelimiterAutoCompleter | Provides the base requirements for a class that can perform delimiter auto-completion. |
IStructureMatcher | Provides the base requirements for a class that can locate matching structural text ranges for an offset, such as finding matching brackets. |
IStructureMatchOptions | Provides the base requirements for a class that stores options for a structure match operation. |
IStructureMatchResult | Provides the base requirements for a class that stores a single result of a structure match operation. |
IStructureMatchResultCollection | Provides the base requirements for a collection of IStructureMatchResult objects. |
IStructureMatchResultSet | Provides the base requirements for a class that stores the results of a structure match operation. |
StructureMatchEdges | Specifies which edges of a IStructureMatchResult's range can cause the IStructureMatcher to match the result again. |