In This Article

ICodeDocumentLifecycleEventSink Interface

Provides the base requirements for an object that can be notified of when an ICodeDocument becomes associated and disassociated with a language, via events such as a language change.

public interface ICodeDocumentLifecycleEventSink


Objects implementing this event sink interface can be registered as a service with an ISyntaxLanguage using the RegisterService(Object, Object) method. Any object implementing this interface will be notified automatically when related events occur.



Occurs when the specified ICodeDocument is attached to a language.

void NotifyDocumentAttached(ICodeDocument document)
Parameter Type Description
document ICodeDocument

The ICodeDocument that is attached.


Occurs when the specified ICodeDocument is detached from a language.

void NotifyDocumentDetached(ICodeDocument document)
Parameter Type Description
document ICodeDocument

The ICodeDocument that is detached.