In This Article

IMergableLexer Interface

Provides the base requirements for a lexer (lexical analyzer) for a language that supports merging with other languages.

public interface IMergableLexer : ILexer, IKeyedObject



Gets or sets the root ILexicalState for when the language is entered.

ILexicalState DefaultLexicalState { get; }

Property Value


The root ILexicalState for when the language is entered.


Gets the ILexicalStateIdProvider that provides access to all the lexical state IDs and keys used by this lexer.

ILexicalStateIdProvider LexicalStateIdProvider { get; }

Property Value


The ILexicalStateIdProvider that provides access to all the lexical state IDs and keys used by this lexer.



Creates an IDisposable object such that while the object is not disposed, the lexer can be modified without any change events being fired, thereby allowing batch updates to occur.

IDisposable CreateChangeBatch()



An IDisposable object. Once disposed, the batch is ended.

CreateDocumentEndToken(Int32, TextPosition, ILexicalState)

Creates an IMergableToken that represents the end of a document.

IMergableToken CreateDocumentEndToken(int startOffset, TextPosition startPosition, ILexicalState lexicalState)
Parameter Type Description
startOffset Int32

The start offset of the IToken.

startPosition TextPosition

The start TextPosition of the IToken.

lexicalState ILexicalState

The ILexicalState that contains the token.



An IMergableToken that represents the end of a document.

CreateToken(Int32, Int32, TextPosition, TextPosition, MergableLexerFlags, ILexicalState, IMergableTokenLexerData)

Creates an IMergableToken that represents the range of text with the specified lexer data.

IMergableToken CreateToken(int startOffset, int length, TextPosition startPosition, TextPosition endPosition, MergableLexerFlags lexerFlags, ILexicalState lexicalState, IMergableTokenLexerData lexerData)
Parameter Type Description
startOffset Int32

The start offset of the token.

length Int32

The length of the token.

startPosition TextPosition

The TextPosition of the first character in the token.

endPosition TextPosition

The TextPosition after the last character in the token.

lexerFlags MergableLexerFlags

The MergableLexerFlags for the token.

lexicalState ILexicalState

The ILexicalState that contains the token.

lexerData IMergableTokenLexerData

The IMergableTokenLexerData that contains lexer information about the token.



An IMergableToken that represents the range of text with the specified lexer data.


Returns a collection containing all ILexicalStateTransition objects within the lexer.

IEnumerable<ILexicalStateTransition> GetAllLexicalStateTransitions()



A collection containing all ILexicalStateTransition objects within the lexer.


This method allows consumers to see which language transitions can be made within the lexer.

GetDefaultToken(ITextBufferReader, ILexicalState)

Returns a single-character MergableLexerResult representing the lexer result for the default token in the ILexicalState and seeks forward one position in the ITextBufferReader

MergableLexerResult GetDefaultToken(ITextBufferReader reader, ILexicalState lexicalState)
Parameter Type Description
reader ITextBufferReader

An ITextBufferReader that is reading a text source.

lexicalState ILexicalState

The ILexicalState that specifies the current state.



A MergableLexerResult indicating the lexer result.

GetNextToken(ITextBufferReader, ILexicalState)

Performs a lex to return the next MergableLexerResult from a ITextBufferReader and seeks past it if there is a match.

MergableLexerResult GetNextToken(ITextBufferReader reader, ILexicalState lexicalState)
Parameter Type Description
reader ITextBufferReader

An ITextBufferReader that is reading a text source.

lexicalState ILexicalState

The ILexicalState that specifies the current state.



A MergableLexerResult indicating the lexer result.



Occurs after the lexer is changed via a block of code surrounded by CreateChangeBatch().

event EventHandler Changed

Event Type


Inherited Members