ActiproSoftware.Text.Parsing Namespace
AmbientParseRequestDispatcherProvider | Implements a class that can be used to provide a static IParseRequestDispatcher that is used for parsing operations by default. |
ParseDataPropertyChangedEventArgs | Provides event arguments for a property change event, indicating the old and new values. |
SyntaxLanguageParsingExtensions | Contains parsing-related extension methods that make it easier to work with ISyntaxLanguage objects. |
IAntlrParseData | Provides the base requirements for a class that contains the results of an ANTLR parsing operation. |
IAstNode | Provides the base requirements for an AST (abstract syntax tree) node. |
IAstNodeIdProvider | Provides the base requirements for a class that provides AST node ID's. |
IIronyParseData | Provides the base requirements for a class that contains the results of an Irony parsing operation. |
IParseData | Provides the base requirements for a class that represents the result of a parsing operation. |
IParseError | Provides the base requirements for an object that indicates a message, warning or error related to parsing. |
IParseErrorProvider | Provides the base requirements for an object that returns a list of IParseError objects, and is generally implemented by IParseData instances if they support error reporting. |
IParser | Provides the base requirements of a parser (syntax/semantic analyzer) for a language. |
IParseRequest | Provides the base requirements of a parsing operation request. |
IParseRequestDispatcher | Provides the base requirements for a class that can queue up IParseRequest objects, prioritize and execute them on one or more worker threads, and notify an IParseTarget of the result. |
IParseTarget | Provides the base requirements for a class that can be notified with the results of a parsing operation. |
ParseErrorLevel | Specifies the error level of an IParseError. |
ParseRequestState | Specifies the current state of an IParseRequest. |