ActiproSoftware.Text.Tagging Namespace
TagAggregatorBase<T> | An abstract base class for an object that aggregates ITag objects from multiple ITagger<T> instances. |
TagSnapshotRange<T> | Implements an object that represents an ITag and its associated TextSnapshotRange. |
TagVersionRange<T> | Implements an object that represents an ITag and its associated ITextVersionRange. |
TaggerKeys | Specifies the names of the built-in ITagger<T> objects that are included with this product. |
TagsChangedEventArgs | Event arguments for when an ITagger<T> alters tags on text. |
IClassificationTag | Provides the base requirements for an IClassificationType that can be associated with some text range. |
ICodeDocumentTaggerProvider | Provides the base requirements for an object that can create ITagger<T> objects for an ICodeDocument. |
ICollapsedRegionTag | Provides the base requirements for a collapsed region of text. |
ICollectionTagger<T> | Provides the base requirements for an ITagger<T> that maintains a simple collection of tagged ranges. |
IDelimiterHighlightTag | Provides the base requirements for an ITag that spans a delimiter highlight. |
IIndicatorTag | Provides the base requirements for an indicator, which covers range of text and render a glyph in an editor's indicator margin for that range. |
IIntraLineSpacerTag | Provides the base requirements for an object that requests space to be inserted above and/or below a view line, generally used for rendering adornments within. |
IIntraTextSpacerTag | Provides the base requirements for a spacer that can be inserted between two text characters. |
IReadOnlyRegionTag | Provides the base requirements for an IReadOnlyRegionTag that can be associated with some text range to mark it as read-only. |
ISquiggleTag | Provides the base requirements for a squiggle line, generally used for error display, that can be associated with some text range. |
ITag | Provides the base requirements for a data object that can be associated with some text range. |
ITagAggregatorBase | Provides the base requirements for an object that aggregates ITag objects from multiple taggers instances. |
ITagAggregator<T> | Provides the base requirements for an object that aggregates ITag objects from multiple ITagger<T> instances. |
ITagSearchOptions<T> | Provides the base requirements for a class that stores tag search operation options. |
ITaggerBase | Provides the base requirements for an object that can provide ITag objects that intersect with specified text ranges within an ICodeDocument. |
ITagger<T> | Provides the base requirements for an object that can provide ITag objects that intersect with specified text ranges within an ICodeDocument. |
ITextViewTaggerProvider | Provides the base requirements for an object that can create ITagger<T> objects for an ITextView. |
ITokenTag | Provides the base requirements for an IToken from an ILexer that can be associated with some text range. |
IUnusedRegionTag | Provides the base requirements for an unused region of text. |