ActiproSoftware.Text.Tagging.Implementation Namespace
BookmarkIndicatorTag | Represents an IIndicatorTag that renders a bookmark indicator. |
BookmarkIndicatorTagger | Provides BookmarkIndicatorTag objects over text ranges. |
BreakpointIndicatorTag | Represents an IIndicatorTag that renders a breakpoint over a text range. |
BreakpointIndicatorTagger | Provides BreakpointIndicatorTag objects over text ranges. |
ClassificationTag | Represents an ITag that can be used to associate an IClassificationType with some text range by implementing IClassificationTag. |
CodeDocumentTaggerProvider<TTagger> | Provides an ICodeDocumentTaggerProvider capable of creating ITagger<T> objects which have a constructor that accepts a single ICodeDocument instance parameter. |
CollectionTagger<T> | Provides a thread-safe ITagger<T> implementation that maintains a simple collection of tagged ranges. |
CurrentStatementIndicatorTag | Represents an IIndicatorTag that renders a current statement marker over a text range. |
CurrentStatementIndicatorTagger | Provides CurrentStatementIndicatorTag objects over text ranges. |
DelimiterHighlightTagger | Provides a view-based classification tagger that tags delimiter pairs or sets. |
IndicatorClassificationTagBase | Provides the abstract base class for an ITag that can be used to mark an indicator and classification over a text range. |
IndicatorClassificationTaggerBase<TTag> | Represents the abstract base class for providing IIndicatorTag and IClassificationTag objects over text ranges. |
IndicatorTagBase | Provides the abstract base class for an ITag that can be used to mark an indicator over a text range. |
IndicatorTaggerBase<TTag> | Represents the abstract base class for providing IIndicatorTag objects over text ranges. |
ParseErrorTagger | Provides an ITagger<T> implementation that tags IParseError objects found in a document's parse data. |
ReadOnlyRegionTag | Represents an ITag that can be used to mark a text range as read-only, and can optionally associate an IClassificationType. |
SearchResultHighlightTagger | Provides a view-based classification tagger that tags search results. |
SquiggleTag | Provides a basic ISquiggleTag implementation, generally used for error display, that can be associated with some text range. |
StyleRegistryClassificationTag | Provides a ClassificationTag implementation that uses an alternate IHighlightingStyleRegistry, and can be associated with some text range. |
TagSearchOptions<T> | Stores tag search operation options. |
TaggerBase<T> | Provides an abstract base class for an ITagger<T> implementation. |
TaggerProviderBase<TTagger> | Provides an abstract tagger provider base class that automatically returns the TagTypes supported
based on reflection of the |
TextViewTaggerProvider<TTagger> | Provides an ITextViewTaggerProvider capable of creating ITagger<T> objects which have a constructor that accepts a single ITextView instance parameter. |
TokenClassificationTag | Represents an ITag that can be used to associate an IClassificationType and an IToken with some text range by implementing IClassificationTag and ITokenTag. |
TokenTagger | An ITagger<T> implementation that provides ITokenTag and IClassificationTag objects based on a language's ILexer. |
TokenTaggerProvider<TTagger> | Provides an ICodeDocumentTaggerProvider capable of creating TokenTagger objects which have a constructor that accepts a single ICodeDocument instance parameter. |