In This Article

IndicatorTaggerBase<TTag> Class

Represents the abstract base class for providing IIndicatorTag objects over text ranges.

public abstract class IndicatorTaggerBase<TTag> : CollectionTagger<TTag>, ICollection<TagVersionRange<TTag>>, IEnumerable<TagVersionRange<TTag>>, IEnumerable, ICollectionTagger<TTag>, ITagger<TTag>, INotifyCollectionChanged, ITagger<IIndicatorTag>, IOrderable, IKeyedObject where TTag : class, IIndicatorTag
Type Parameters:
TTag -
Object TaggerBase<TTag> CollectionTagger<TTag> Object
BookmarkIndicatorTagger IndicatorClassificationTaggerBase<TTag>
ICollectionTagger<TTag> ITagger<TTag> ITagger<IIndicatorTag> IOrderable IKeyedObject


IndicatorTaggerBase(String, IEnumerable<Ordering>, ICodeDocument, Boolean)

Initializes a new instance of the IndicatorTaggerBase class.

protected IndicatorTaggerBase(string key, IEnumerable<Ordering> orderings, ICodeDocument document, bool isForLanguage)
Parameter Type Description
key String

The string-based key that identifies the object.

orderings IEnumerable<Ordering>

The collection of Ordering objects, used to determine how this object is positioned relative to other objects.

document ICodeDocument

The document to which this manager is attached.

isForLanguage Boolean

Indicates whether this tagger is for a language.
If true, the tagger is closed when the document's language changes.



Raises the TagsChanged event.

public void RaiseTagsChanged(TagsChangedEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e TagsChangedEventArgs

A TagsChangedEventArgs that contains the event data.

Explicit Interface Implementations

ITagger<IIndicatorTag>.GetTags(NormalizedTextSnapshotRangeCollection, Object)

Returns the tag ranges that intersect with the specified normalized snapshot ranges.

IEnumerable<TagSnapshotRange<IIndicatorTag>> ITagger<IIndicatorTag>.GetTags(NormalizedTextSnapshotRangeCollection snapshotRanges, object parameter)
Parameter Type Description
snapshotRanges NormalizedTextSnapshotRangeCollection

The collection of normalized snapshot ranges.

parameter Object

An optional parameter that provides contextual information about the tag request.



The tag ranges that intersect with the specified normalized snapshot ranges.

Inherited Members