In This Article

LinearBarCodeSymbology Class

Provides the base class for a one-dimensional bar code symbology.

public abstract class LinearBarCodeSymbology : BarCodeSymbology, DUCE.IResource, IAnimatable, IFrameworkInputElement, IInputElement, ISupportInitialize, IHaveResources, IQueryAmbient
System.Object System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherObject System.Windows.DependencyObject System.Windows.Media.Visual System.Windows.UIElement System.Windows.FrameworkElement BarCodeSymbology Object
CodabarSymbology Code128Symbology Code39Symbology Code93Symbology Ean13Symbology Ean8Symbology Interleaved2of5Symbology PostnetSymbology UpcASymbology UpcESymbology


For detailed documentation on this symbology's features and how to use them, please see the Bar Code Symbology-related series of documentation topics.



protected LinearBarCodeSymbology()



Gets or sets the string that specifies the data used to draw the bar code.

protected string BarData { get; set; }

Property Value


The string that specifies the data used to draw the bar code.


Gets or sets the desired height of the bars.

public double BarHeight { get; set; }

Property Value


The desired height of the bars. The default value is 35.


When calculating the desired height of the bar code, the BarHeight property will be used unless its height is less than the percentage of the desired width specified by MinBarHeightWidthRatio. In that case the MinBarHeightWidthRatio percentage of the desired width is used for height. This ensures that the bar code is always sized to be read properly.


Gets or sets the width ratio of wide lines to narrow lines.

public double BarWidthRatio { get; set; }

Property Value


The width ratio of wide lines to narrow lines. The default value is 2, meaning that wide lines are twice as thick as narrow lines.


Gets or sets the value that is displayed if ValueDisplayStyle is not None.

public string DisplayValue { get; protected set; }

Property Value


The value that is displayed if ValueDisplayStyle is not None.


This property must be set by each symbology implementation.


Gets or sets the dictionary of BarData characters and their related instructions.

protected Dictionary<char, LinearBarCodeSymbologyInstruction> Instructions { get; set; }

Property Value

System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.Char, LinearBarCodeSymbologyInstruction>:

The dictionary of BarData characters and their related instructions.


Gets or sets the minimum ratio that the height of the bar code must be in relation to its width.

public double MinBarHeightWidthRatio { get; set; }

Property Value


The minimum ratio that the height of the bar code must be in relation to its width. The default value is 0.15 (15%).


Many symbologies indicate that the bar code's height must be at least x% of its width. For instance, Code 39 specifies that the height must be at least 15% of the width.

When calculating the desired height of the bar code, the BarHeight property will be used unless its height is less than the percentage of the desired width specified by MinBarHeightWidthRatio. In that case the MinBarHeightWidthRatio percentage of the desired width is used for height. This ensures that the bar code is always sized to be read properly.


Gets or sets the System.Windows.Thickness of the quiet zone.

public Thickness QuietZoneThickness { get; set; }

Property Value


The System.Windows.Thickness of the quiet zone. The default value is 10,0,10,0.


The quiet zone is the margin whitespace area that appears around the bar code.


Gets or sets a LinearBarCodeValueDisplayStyle that indicates how the value should rendered.

public LinearBarCodeValueDisplayStyle ValueDisplayStyle { get; set; }

Property Value


A LinearBarCodeValueDisplayStyle that indicates how the value should rendered. The default value is Centered.


Gets or sets the distance that the Value text intrudes into the bar code when ValueDisplayStyle is not None.

public double ValueIntrusionOffset { get; set; }

Property Value


The distance that the Value text intrudes into the bar code when ValueDisplayStyle is not None. The default value is 0.



When overridden in a derived class, measures the size in layout required for child elements and determines a size for the System.Windows.FrameworkElement-derived class.

protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)
Parameter Type Description
availableSize System.Windows.Size

The available size that this element can give to child elements. Infinity can be specified as a value to indicate that the element will size to whatever content is available.



The size that this element determines it needs during layout, based on its calculations of child element sizes.

Render(DrawingContext, Point, Size)

Renders the symbology to the specified System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext.

public override void Render(DrawingContext drawingContext, Point location, Size size)
Parameter Type Description
drawingContext System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext

The System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext upon which to render the symbology.

location System.Windows.Point

The location at which to draw the bar code.

size System.Windows.Size

The size of the bar code to draw.



Identifies the BarData dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty BarDataProperty


Identifies the BarHeight dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty BarHeightProperty


Identifies the BarWidthRatio dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty BarWidthRatioProperty


Identifies the DisplayValue dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty DisplayValueProperty


Identifies the Instructions dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty InstructionsProperty


Identifies the MinBarHeightWidthRatio dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty MinBarHeightWidthRatioProperty


Identifies the QuietZoneThickness dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty QuietZoneThicknessProperty


Identifies the ValueDisplayStyle dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueDisplayStyleProperty


Identifies the ValueIntrusionOffset dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueIntrusionOffsetProperty

Inherited Members

Extension Methods