In This Article

QrCodeSymbology Class

Represents a bar code symbology implementation for QrCode.

public class QrCodeSymbology : Grid2DBarCodeSymbology, DUCE.IResource, IAnimatable, IFrameworkInputElement, IInputElement, ISupportInitialize, IHaveResources, IQueryAmbient
Object DispatcherObject DependencyObject Visual UIElement FrameworkElement BarCodeSymbology Grid2DBarCodeSymbology Object


QR Code is a two dimensional grid symbology, developed in 1994 by Denso. It was initially intended for use in production control of automotive parts, but it has become widespread in other fields.

This symbology can encode a maximum of 7089 numerical characters, 4296 alphanumeric characters, 2953 binary characters, or 1817 Kanji characters.

For detailed documentation on this symbology's features and how to use them, please see the QrCode documentation topic.



Initializes a new instance of the QrCodeSymbology class.

public QrCodeSymbology()



Gets or sets a value indicating whether lowercase characters are allowed. This is a dependency property.

public bool AllowLowercase { get; set; }

Property Value


true if lowercase characters are allowed; otherwise, false will force all lowercase characters to be uppercase. The default value is false.


The QR code specification does not allow lowercase characters when using the alphanumeric encoding mode. Therefore, when allowing lowercase characters the binary encoding mode must be used.


Gets or sets the mode used to encode the specified value. This is a dependency property.

public QrEncodingMode? EncodingMode { get; set; }

Property Value


The QR encoding mode. The default value is null, which indicates the encoding mode will be auto-selected based on the specified value.


Gets or sets the percentage of data loss that can occur on a symbol before it becomes unreadable. As the error correction level increases, the amount of data that can be encoded decreases. This is a dependency property.

public QrErrorCorrectionLevel ErrorCorrectionLevel { get; set; }

Property Value


The error correction level.


Gets or sets the QR mask applied to the code. This is a dependency property.

public int? MaskIndex { get; set; }

Property Value


The QR mask applied to the code. The default value is null, which indicates the mask will be auto-selected based on the specified value.


Gets or sets the version of the QR symbol. This value determines the number of modules that compose the symbol, thus contributing to the maximum amount of data that can be encoded. This is a dependency property.

public QrVersion? Version { get; set; }

Property Value


The version of the QR symbol. The default value is null, which indicates the version will be auto-selected based on the specified value.


OnValueChanged(String, String)

Occurs when the value of the Value property is changed.

protected override void OnValueChanged(string oldValue, string newValue)
Parameter Type Description
oldValue String

The old value.

newValue String

The new value.


Validates that the symbology can parse the specified value.

public override ValidationResult ValidateValue(string value)
Parameter Type Description
value String

The value to validate.



A ValidationResult containing the result of the validation.



Identifies the AllowLowercase dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty AllowLowercaseProperty


Identifies the EncodingMode dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty EncodingModeProperty


Identifies the ErrorCorrectionLevel dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty ErrorCorrectionLevelProperty


Identifies the MaskIndex dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty MaskIndexProperty


Identifies the Version dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty VersionProperty

Inherited Members

Extension Methods