ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.Bars Namespace
BarButton | Represents a standard button control, for use within a ribbon or toolbar. |
BarCheckBox | Represents a checkbox control, for use within a ribbon or toolbar. |
BarComboBox | Represents a combobox control, for use within a ribbon or toolbar. |
BarContextMenu | Represents a context menu that can host any bar control. |
BarControlService | A service class that provides attached properties that are used throughout the various bar controls. |
BarGalleryItem | Represents an item within a bar gallery control. |
BarGalleryItemBorderThicknessConverter | Converts a BarGalleryItemLayoutBehavior value to a border Thickness. |
BarMenuControlWrapper | Represents a menu item control that wraps another interactive control, for use within a menu. It can display the wrapped control's label and aligns everything with other menu items. |
BarMenuEventArgs | Provides event arguments for customizing a bar control's context or drop-down menu. |
BarMenuGallery | Represents a gallery control, for use within a menu. |
BarMenuHeading | Represents a heading control, for use within a menu. |
BarMenuItem | Represents a menu item control, for use within a menu. |
BarMenuSeparator | Represents a separator control, for use within a menu. |
BarPopupButton | Represents a popup button control, for use within a ribbon or toolbar. |
BarSeparator | Represents a separator control, for use within a ribbon or toolbar. |
BarSizeSelectionMenuGallery | Represents a size selection gallery control, for use within a menu. |
BarSplitButton | Represents a split button control, for use within a ribbon or toolbar. |
BarSplitMenuItem | Represents a split menu item control, for use within a menu. |
BarSplitToggleButton | Represents a split toggle button control, for use within a ribbon or toolbar. |
BarTextBox | Represents a textbox control, for use within a ribbon or toolbar. |
BarToggleButton | Represents a toggle button control, for use within a ribbon or toolbar. |
BarsCloneService | Defines an implementation of CloneServiceBase customized for use specifically with Bars controls. |
CloneOptions | Defines options which define how an object is cloned. |
CloneServiceBase | Provide a default implementation of ICloneService which can be used to create clones of objects. |
ColorShadeGenerator | Provides functionality for generating various shades of a source Color. |
InputGestureDisplayStringProvider | Defines a default implementation of IInputGestureDisplayStringProvider that can provide the display string of a gesture associated with an object. |
KeyTip | Represents a key tip control that pops up to show the keys that access a target control. |
KeyTipInvokedEventArgs | Provides event arguments for when the end user invokes a key tip by typing its text. |
KeyTipOpeningEventArgs | Provides event arguments for positioning a key tip that is opening. |
KeyTipService | A service for managing key tips. |
KeyTipTextGenerator | A helper class for automatically generating key tip text for controls. |
LabelGenerator | A helper class for automatically generating control labels. |
MiniToolBar | Represents a mini-toolbar control, optionally used within a BarContextMenu. |
NamedColorShade | Defines a Color and name pairing. |
RecentDocumentControl | Represents a control for displaying recently accessed documents. |
RecentDocumentItem | Represents an item within a RecentDocumentControl. |
Ribbon | Represents a ribbon control, which is an advanced toolbar that can apply variant sizes to child controls to ensure maximum space utilization of available width. |
RibbonApplicationButton | Represents an application button (e.g. 'File' tab) control for a ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.Bars.RibbonApplicationButton.Ribbon. |
RibbonBackstage | Represents a Backstage control for a ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.Bars.RibbonBackstage.Ribbon, activated by an application button. |
RibbonBackstageHeaderButton | Represents a button control used within a RibbonBackstage header, alongside tabs. |
RibbonBackstageHeaderSeparator | Represents a separator control used within a RibbonBackstage header, alongside tabs and buttons. |
RibbonBackstageTabItem | Represents a tab control used within a RibbonBackstage. |
RibbonContainerPanel | Represents a Panel that should be used to contain a Ribbon and the content below it, allowing for animation as the ribbon's height changes. |
RibbonContextualTabGroup | Represents a contextual tab group that shows contained tabs within a ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.Bars.RibbonContextualTabGroup.Ribbon when active. |
RibbonControlGroup | Represents a control that encapsulates a set of similar controls within a RibbonGroup, altering their variant sizes using a designated behavior. |
RibbonFooterControl | Represents a footer control within a Ribbon, generally used to display notifications or warnings. |
RibbonGallery | Represents a gallery control, for use within a Ribbon. |
RibbonGroup | Represents a control within a Ribbon tab that is used to group related controls. |
RibbonGroupLauncherButton | Represents a launcher button control for a RibbonGroup. |
RibbonMultiRowControlGroup | Represents a control that encapsulates a set of related controls within a RibbonGroup, arranging them in a multi-row layout. |
RibbonQuickAccessToolBar | Represents a quick-access toolbar control, used within a ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.Bars.RibbonQuickAccessToolBar.Ribbon. |
RibbonQuickAccessToolBarItemAddedEventArgs | Provides event data for quick-access toolbar item added events. |
RibbonQuickAccessToolBarItemAddingEventArgs | Provides event data for quick-access toolbar item adding events. |
RibbonSerializer | Provides logic for saving and loading various portions of a Ribbon's layout, useful for restoring the same state between application sessions. |
RibbonTabItem | Represents a tab control within a ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.Bars.RibbonTabItem.Ribbon. |
RibbonTabRowToolBar | Represents a toolbar control within a Ribbon, located on the right side of the ribbon's tabs. |
RibbonWindow | Represents a Window that is designed to host a Ribbon, using a RibbonWindowChrome to theme the window and support a quick-access toolbar in the window's titlebar. |
ScreenTip | Represents a screen tip that is a drop-in replacement for ToolTip, but designed to show rich content with a specific appearance. |
ScreenTipService | A service for managing screen tips. |
SizeVariant | Defines a size to be applied to a target control within a Ribbon. |
SizeVariantCollection | Defines a collection of SizeVariant items. |
StandaloneToolBar | Represents a standalone toolbar control that can host bar controls, and is a replacement for a native ToolBar. |
TaskTabControl | Represents a task tab control, generally used within a RibbonBackstageTabItem's content as a second-level tab control. |
TaskTabItem | Represents a tab item within a TaskTabControl. |
VariantBase | Defines the base implementation of a variant for use with controls within a Ribbon. |
VariantCollection | Defines a collection of variants (either SizeVariant or VariantSet) for use with a Ribbon. |
VariantSet | Defines a set of multiple SizeVariant entries that should be applied together at the same time. |
ICloneService | Defines the base requirements for a service which can be used to clone objects. |
IInputGestureDisplayStringProvider | Defines an object which can provide the display string of a gesture associated with an object. |
IKeyTipTextGenerator | Defines an object for automatically generating key tip text for controls. |
ILabelGenerator | Defines an object for automatically generating control labels. |
BarGalleryItemLayoutBehavior | Specifies how a BarGalleryItem should be arranged within a gallery. |
BarMenuKind | Specifies the kind of context or drop-down menu used by various bar controls. |
CloneToRibbonQuickAccessToolBarStrategy | Specifies the strategy to use when cloning a supported element to a Ribbon's quick-access toolbar. |
ItemCollapseBehavior | Specifies how a child control on a ribbon in Simplified layout mode should handle collapsing to overflow. |
ItemVariantBehavior | Specifies how controls behave in terms of applying variants. |
KeyTipHorizontalAlignment | Specifies how a key tip should align horizontally relative to its placement target. |
KeyTipModeShortcuts | Specifies the keyboard shortcuts that can toggle key tip mode. |
KeyTipVerticalAlignment | Specifies how a key tip should align vertically relative to its placement target. |
PanelSpacingSuggestion | Specifies whether additional spacing is suggested for a child element being arranged by a parent panel. |
RibbonBackstageHeaderAlignment | Specifies the vertical alignment of a control on a RibbonBackstage. |
RibbonControlGroupSeparatorMode | Specifies when separators are visible around RibbonControlGroup instances. |
RibbonFooterKind | Specifies the kind of ribbon footer. |
RibbonGroupChildOverflowTarget | Specifies the target for RibbonGroup children overflow. |
RibbonGroupLabelMode | Specifies when a RibbonGroup is labeled. |
RibbonLayoutMode | Specifies the layout mode for a Ribbon control. |
RibbonQuickAccessToolBarLocation | Specifies the location of the Quick Access ToolBar (QAT) within a Ribbon control when visible. |
RibbonQuickAccessToolBarMode | Specifies the current Quick Access ToolBar (QAT) mode within a Ribbon control. |
RibbonSerializerOptions | Specifies options for a RibbonSerializer. |
VariantSize | Specifies a control's variant size. |