In This Article

BarSizeSelectionMenuGalleryViewModel Class

Represents a view model for a size selection gallery control within a bar control.

public class BarSizeSelectionMenuGalleryViewModel : BarGalleryViewModelBase, INotifyPropertyChanged, IHasKey
System.Object ObservableObjectBase BarKeyedObjectViewModelBase BarGalleryViewModelBase Object



Initializes a new instance of the class.

public BarSizeSelectionMenuGalleryViewModel()


Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified key. The label and key tip text are auto-generated.

public BarSizeSelectionMenuGalleryViewModel(string key)
Parameter Type Description
key System.String

A string that uniquely identifies the control.

BarSizeSelectionMenuGalleryViewModel(String, String)

Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified key and label. The key tip text is auto-generated.

public BarSizeSelectionMenuGalleryViewModel(string key, string label)
Parameter Type Description
key System.String

A string that uniquely identifies the control.

label System.String

The text label to display, which is auto-generated from the key if null.

BarSizeSelectionMenuGalleryViewModel(String, String, ICommand)

Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified key, label, and command. The key tip text is auto-generated.

public BarSizeSelectionMenuGalleryViewModel(string key, string label, ICommand command)
Parameter Type Description
key System.String

A string that uniquely identifies the control.

label System.String

The text label to display, which is auto-generated from the command or key if null.

command System.Windows.Input.ICommand

The command to attach to the control.

BarSizeSelectionMenuGalleryViewModel(String, ICommand)

Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified key and command. The label and key tip text are auto-generated.

public BarSizeSelectionMenuGalleryViewModel(string key, ICommand command)
Parameter Type Description
key System.String

A string that uniquely identifies the control.

command System.Windows.Input.ICommand

The command to attach to the control.


Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand, also used to auto-generate a key, label, and key tip text.

public BarSizeSelectionMenuGalleryViewModel(RoutedCommand routedCommand)
Parameter Type Description
routedCommand System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand

The command to attach to the control.



Gets or sets the default heading text that is displayed above the menu gallery.

public string DefaultHeadingText { get; set; }

Property Value


The default heading text that is displayed above the menu gallery.


Gets or sets the number of columns when in a menu.

public int MenuColumnCount { get; set; }

Property Value


The number of columns when in a menu. The default value is 10.


Gets or sets the number of rows when in a menu.

public int MenuRowCount { get; set; }

Property Value


The number of rows when in a menu. The default value is 8.


Gets or sets the format string to use for the heading when the end user is selecting a size in the gallery.

public string SizeHeadingTextFormat { get; set; }

Property Value


The format string to use for the heading when the end user is selecting a size in the gallery.


The first parameter to the format string is the current width. The second parameter to the format string is the current height.

Inherited Members