In This Article

BarSplitButtonViewModel Class

Represents a view model for a split button control within a bar control.

public class BarSplitButtonViewModel : BarPopupButtonViewModel, INotifyPropertyChanged, IHasKey, IHasVariantImages
System.Object ObservableObjectBase BarKeyedObjectViewModelBase BarPopupButtonViewModel Object
IHasKey IHasVariantImages



Initializes a new instance of the class.

public BarSplitButtonViewModel()


Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified key. The label and key tip text are auto-generated.

public BarSplitButtonViewModel(string key)
Parameter Type Description
key System.String

A string that uniquely identifies the control.

BarSplitButtonViewModel(String, String)

Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified key and label. The key tip text is auto-generated.

public BarSplitButtonViewModel(string key, string label)
Parameter Type Description
key System.String

A string that uniquely identifies the control.

label System.String

The text label to display, which is auto-generated from the key if null.

BarSplitButtonViewModel(String, String, String)

Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified key, label, and key tip text.

public BarSplitButtonViewModel(string key, string label, string keyTipText)
Parameter Type Description
key System.String

A string that uniquely identifies the control.

label System.String

The text label to display, which is auto-generated from the key if null.

keyTipText System.String

The key tip text, which is auto-generated from the label if null.

BarSplitButtonViewModel(String, String, String, ICommand)

Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified key, label, key tip text, and command.

public BarSplitButtonViewModel(string key, string label, string keyTipText, ICommand command)
Parameter Type Description
key System.String

A string that uniquely identifies the control.

label System.String

The text label to display, which is auto-generated from the command or key if null.

keyTipText System.String

The key tip text, which is auto-generated from the command or label if null.

command System.Windows.Input.ICommand

The command to attach to the control.

BarSplitButtonViewModel(String, String, ICommand)

Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified key, label, and command. The key tip text is auto-generated.

public BarSplitButtonViewModel(string key, string label, ICommand command)
Parameter Type Description
key System.String

A string that uniquely identifies the control.

label System.String

The text label to display, which is auto-generated from the command or key if null.

command System.Windows.Input.ICommand

The command to attach to the control.

BarSplitButtonViewModel(String, ICommand)

Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified key and command. The label and key tip text are auto-generated.

public BarSplitButtonViewModel(string key, ICommand command)
Parameter Type Description
key System.String

A string that uniquely identifies the control.

command System.Windows.Input.ICommand

The command to attach to the control.


Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand, also used to auto-generate a key, label, and key tip text.

public BarSplitButtonViewModel(RoutedCommand routedCommand)
Parameter Type Description
routedCommand System.Windows.Input.RoutedCommand

The command to attach to the control.



Gets or sets the input gesture text to display in menu items and screen tips, which overrides any auto-generated input gesture text from the Command.

public string InputGestureText { get; set; }

Property Value


The input gesture text to display in menu items and screen tips.


Gets or sets whether the input gesture text is allowed to be visible in the user interface.

public bool IsInputGestureTextVisible { get; set; }

Property Value


true if the input gesture text is allowed to be visible in the user interface; otherwise, false. The default value is true.


Gets or sets whether menus should try and remain open when the control is clicked.

public bool StaysOpenOnClick { get; set; }

Property Value


true if menus should try and remain open when the control is clicked; otherwise, false. The default value is false.

Inherited Members