In This Article

IBarImageProvider Interface

Provides the base requirements for an object that can provide images for bar controls.

public interface IBarImageProvider


GetImageSource(String, BarImageOptions)

Returns an System.Windows.Media.ImageSource for the specified bar control key and set of options.

ImageSource GetImageSource(string key, BarImageOptions options)
Parameter Type Description
key System.String

A string that uniquely identifies a bar control.

options BarImageOptions

A BarImageOptions that indicates the image options.



An System.Windows.Media.ImageSource for the specified bar control key and set of options.

GetImageSource(String, BarImageSize)

Returns an System.Windows.Media.ImageSource for the specified bar control key and size.

ImageSource GetImageSource(string key, BarImageSize size)
Parameter Type Description
key System.String

A string that uniquely identifies a bar control.

size BarImageSize

A BarImageSize that indicates the image size.



An System.Windows.Media.ImageSource for the specified bar control key and size.