In This Article

TextBarGalleryItemViewModel Class

Represents a view model for a gallery item whose value and label are the same text value.

public class TextBarGalleryItemViewModel : BarGalleryItemViewModel<string>, IBarGalleryItemViewModel, INotifyPropertyChanged, IEquatable<IBarGalleryItemViewModel>
System.Object ObservableObjectBase BarGalleryItemViewModel<System.String> Object
IBarGalleryItemViewModel System.IEquatable<IBarGalleryItemViewModel>



Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified text as the value and label.

public TextBarGalleryItemViewModel(string text)
Parameter Type Description
text System.String

The item's value and label.

TextBarGalleryItemViewModel(String, String)

Initializes a new instance of the class with the specified text and category.

public TextBarGalleryItemViewModel(string text, string category)
Parameter Type Description
text System.String

The item's value and label.

category System.String

The item's category.

Inherited Members