ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.Bars.Primitives Namespace
BarComboBoxDropDownButton | Represents a button control within a BarComboBox that shows the dropdown. |
BarGalleryBase | Represents an abstract base class for a gallery control. |
BarMenuGalleryFilterButton | Represents a filter button control within a BarMenuGallery. |
BarMenuGalleryGroupPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for BarMenuGallery groups when categorizing. |
BarMenuGalleryHostBase | Represents an abstract base class for a gallery control that can host a related BarMenuGallery in its popup. |
BarMenuGalleryPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for BarMenuGallery items. |
BarMenuGalleryResizablePanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for BarMenuGallery to support resizing. |
BarMenuPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for menu items, hosted in numerous bar controls that display menus. |
BarPopupButtonBase | Represents an abstract base class for a popup button control that displays a menu. |
ConstrainedStackPanel | Represents a StackPanel control that will constrain children to the available extent. The first child's extent will be constrained like Grid star-sizing if the sum of child extents exceeds the available extent. |
ExternalHeaderPresenter | Represents a control that renders an external header (image and label) for a bar control that can't render them itself, such as BarComboBox. |
MiniToolBarPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for MiniToolBar items. |
OverflowPresenter | Represents a control that allows inline scrolling when its content overflows. |
OverflowingItemsControlInlinePanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for the inline portion of an IOverflowingBarItemsControl. |
OverflowingItemsControlOverflowPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for the overflow popup of an IOverflowingBarItemsControl. |
OverflowingItemsControlPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for IOverflowingBarItemsControl items. |
RecentDocumentDisplayLocationConverter | Converts a System.Uri to a string for displaying the location of a file, excluding a local path's file name. |
RecentDocumentGroupDescription | Provides a group description for a IDocumentReference within a RecentDocumentControl. |
RibbonBackstageCloseButton | Represents the close button control for a RibbonBackstage. |
RibbonBackstagePanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for RibbonBackstage items. |
RibbonContextualTabGroupItemsControl | Represents an ItemsControl for contextual tab groups. |
RibbonControlGroupPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for RibbonControlGroup items. |
RibbonGalleryCollapsedButton | Represents a collapsed button control, used when a RibbonGallery is in a collapsed variant size. |
RibbonGalleryMoreButton | Represents a popup button control within a RibbonGallery that shows the gallery's menu. |
RibbonGalleryPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for RibbonGallery items. |
RibbonGalleryScrollDownButton | Represents a scroll down button control within a RibbonGallery. |
RibbonGalleryScrollUpButton | Represents a scroll up button control within a RibbonGallery. |
RibbonGroupCollapsedButton | Represents a collapsed button control, used when a RibbonGroup is in a collapsed variant size. |
RibbonGroupLabelRowPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for a RibbonGroup label row. |
RibbonGroupOverflowButton | Represents a popup button that can show a RibbonGroup's overflowed items when in Simplified layout mode. |
RibbonGroupPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for RibbonGroup items. |
RibbonMultiRowControlGroupPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for RibbonMultiRowControlGroup items. |
RibbonOptionsButton | Represents an options button for a ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.Bars.Primitives.RibbonOptionsButton.Ribbon. |
RibbonPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for Ribbon items. |
RibbonQuickAccessToolBarCustomizeButton | Represents a customize button within a RibbonQuickAccessToolBar. |
RibbonQuickAccessToolBarOverflowButton | Represents a popup button that can show a RibbonQuickAccessToolBar's overflowed items. |
RibbonQuickAccessToolBarOverflowPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for the overflow popup of a RibbonQuickAccessToolBar. |
RibbonQuickAccessToolBarPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for RibbonQuickAccessToolBar items. |
RibbonTabHeader | Represents a tab header for a RibbonTabItem, displayed in a ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.Bars.Primitives.RibbonTabHeader.Ribbon's tab row. |
RibbonTabHeaderItemsControl | Represents an ItemsControl containing RibbonTabHeader items. |
RibbonTabHeaderItemsControlPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for RibbonTabHeaderItemsControl items. |
RibbonTabItemOverflowButton | Represents a popup button that can show a RibbonTabItem's overflowed items when in Simplified layout mode. |
RibbonTabItemPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for RibbonTabItem items. |
RibbonTabRowToolBarPanel | Represents a Panel with layout logic for RibbonTabRowToolBar items. |
StandaloneToolBarOverflowButton | Represents a popup button that can show a StandaloneToolBar's overflowed items. |
StandaloneToolBarOverflowPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for the overflow popup of a StandaloneToolBar. |
StandaloneToolBarPanel | Represents a Panel control with layout logic for StandaloneToolBar items. |
TaskTabControlPanel | Represents a Panel with layout logic for TaskTabControl items. |
TwoLineLabel | Represents a control that can render one or two lines of text, ideal for displaying a bar button's label when the button is a large variant size. |
IRootBarControl | Provides the base requirements for a control that is the root of a bar hierarchy, such as a Ribbon or StandaloneToolBar. |
ISupportsStarSizing | Provides the base requirements for a control that can star-size and fill available space when appropriate. |
OverflowVisibilityMode | Specifies an element's visibility when it is overflowed. |