In This Article

DockingWindowsDragOverEventArgs Class

Provides event arguments for when one or more docking windows are dragged over a new dock target, with support for hiding certain dock guides by altering the AllowedDockGuideKinds property.

public class DockingWindowsDragOverEventArgs : DockingWindowsEventArgs
System.Object System.EventArgs System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs CancelRoutedEventArgs DockingWindowsEventArgs Object


DockingWindowsDragOverEventArgs(DockHost, IDockTarget, DockGuideKinds)

Initializes a new instance of the DockingWindowsDragOverEventArgs class.

public DockingWindowsDragOverEventArgs(DockHost draggedDockHost, IDockTarget target, DockGuideKinds supportedDockGuideKinds)
Parameter Type Description
draggedDockHost DockHost

The DockHost that is being dragged, and that contains the Windows.

target IDockTarget

The IDockTarget that the drag is over.

supportedDockGuideKinds DockGuideKinds

The dock guide kinds that are supported by this DraggedDockHost and dock Target combination.



Gets or sets the dock guide kinds that are allowed by this DraggedDockHost and dock Target combination.

public DockGuideKinds AllowedDockGuideKinds { get; set; }

Property Value


The dock guide kinds that are allowed by this DraggedDockHost and dock Target combination.


Remove dock guide kind flags from this property to prevent the related dock guide from showing.


Gets the DockHost that is being dragged, and that contains the Windows.

public DockHost DraggedDockHost { get; }

Property Value


The DockHost that is being dragged, and that contains the Windows.


Gets the dock guide kinds that are supported by this DraggedDockHost and dock Target combination.

public DockGuideKinds SupportedDockGuideKinds { get; }

Property Value


The dock guide kinds that are supported by this DraggedDockHost and dock Target combination.

See Also


Gets the IDockTarget that the drag is over.

public IDockTarget Target { get; }

Property Value


The IDockTarget that the drag is over.

Inherited Members

  • DockingWindowsEventArgs.Windows
  • CancelRoutedEventArgs.Cancel
  • System.EventArgs.Empty
  • System.Object.ToString()
  • System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
  • System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object)
  • System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object)
  • System.Object.GetHashCode()
  • System.Object.GetType()
  • System.Object.MemberwiseClone()