In This Article

AutoCompleteBoxEventArgs Class

Provides event arguments for AutoCompleteBox events.

public class AutoCompleteBoxEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs
System.Object System.EventArgs System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs Object


AutoCompleteBoxEventArgs(AutoCompleteBoxChangeReason, Object)

Initializes a new instance of the AutoCompleteBoxEventArgs class.

public AutoCompleteBoxEventArgs(AutoCompleteBoxChangeReason reason, object item)
Parameter Type Description
reason AutoCompleteBoxChangeReason

The reason for the event.

item System.Object

The suggestion item related to this event, if applicable.

AutoCompleteBoxEventArgs(AutoCompleteBoxChangeReason, Object, String)

Initializes a new instance of the AutoCompleteBoxEventArgs class.

public AutoCompleteBoxEventArgs(AutoCompleteBoxChangeReason reason, object item, string originalText)
Parameter Type Description
reason AutoCompleteBoxChangeReason

The reason for the event.

item System.Object

The suggestion item related to this event, if applicable.

originalText System.String

The original text prior to the selection of a suggested item.



Gets or sets whether the AutoCompleteBox is allowed to show its popup in response to the related text change when appropriate.

public bool IsPopupAllowed { get; set; }

Property Value


true if the AutoCompleteBox is allowed to show its popup in response to the related text change when appropriate; otherwise, false.


This property is only used after the TextChanged event is raised.


Gets the suggested item related to this event, if applicable.

public object Item { get; }

Property Value


The suggested item related to this event, if applicable.


Gets the original text prior to the selection of a suggested item.

public string OriginalText { get; }

Property Value


The original text prior to the selection of a suggested item.


Gets the reason for the event.

public AutoCompleteBoxChangeReason Reason { get; }

Property Value


The reason for the event.


Gets or sets the text value related to this event.

public string Text { get; set; }

Property Value


The text value related to this event.

Inherited Members

  • System.EventArgs.Empty
  • System.Object.ToString()
  • System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
  • System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object)
  • System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object)
  • System.Object.GetHashCode()
  • System.Object.GetType()
  • System.Object.MemberwiseClone()