In This Article

PropertyGridItemAdapter Class

Provides an abstract base class for a TreeListBoxItemAdapter that can be used in a PropertyGrid.

public class PropertyGridItemAdapter : TreeListBoxItemAdapter
Object TreeListBoxItemAdapter Object



Initializes a new instance of the PropertyGridItemAdapter class.

public PropertyGridItemAdapter()


GetChildren(TreeListBox, Object)

Returns an IEnumerable that will be used to provide child items for the specified parent item.

public override IEnumerable GetChildren(TreeListBox ownerControl, object item)
Parameter Type Description
ownerControl TreeListBox

The owner control.

item Object

The item to examine.



An IEnumerable that will be used to provide child items for the specified parent item.

GetIndentAmount(TreeListBox, Object, Int32)

Returns the indent amount of the specified item.

public override double GetIndentAmount(TreeListBox ownerControl, object item, int depth)
Parameter Type Description
ownerControl TreeListBox

The owner control.

item Object

The item to examine.

depth Int32

The item depth.



The indent amount.

GetIsExpanded(TreeListBox, Object)

Returns whether the specified item is expanded.

public override bool GetIsExpanded(TreeListBox ownerControl, object item)
Parameter Type Description
ownerControl TreeListBox

The owner control.

item Object

The item to examine.



true if the specified item is expanded; otherwise, false.

GetIsSelected(TreeListBox, Object)

Returns whether the specified item is selected.

public override bool GetIsSelected(TreeListBox ownerControl, object item)
Parameter Type Description
ownerControl TreeListBox

The owner control.

item Object

The item to examine.



true if the specified item is selected; otherwise, false.

GetPath(TreeListBox, Object)

Returns the item's string path.

public override string GetPath(TreeListBox ownerControl, object item)
Parameter Type Description
ownerControl TreeListBox

The owner control.

item Object

The item to examine.



The item's string path.


The PathBinding property can be set for a pure XAML-based implementation of this method. Please note that bindings aren't as performant as code, so for large trees or if you see performance issues, it is recommended to override this method instead with custom logic to retrieve the appropriate value.

InitializeDataObjectWithDisplayName(PropertyGrid, IDataObject, IDataModel)

Initializes a IDataObject with the display name of the specified IDataModel.

public virtual bool InitializeDataObjectWithDisplayName(PropertyGrid sourceControl, IDataObject dataObject, IDataModel model)
Parameter Type Description
sourceControl PropertyGrid

The source control that contains the IDataModel.

dataObject IDataObject

The IDataObject to initialize.

model IDataModel

The IDataModel to examine.



true if the IDataObject was initialized; otherwise, false.

InitializeDataObjectWithPropertyValue(PropertyGrid, IDataObject, IPropertyModel)

Initializes a IDataObject with the value of the specified IPropertyModel.

public virtual bool InitializeDataObjectWithPropertyValue(PropertyGrid sourceControl, IDataObject dataObject, IPropertyModel propertyModel)
Parameter Type Description
sourceControl PropertyGrid

The source control that contains the IPropertyModel.

dataObject IDataObject

The IDataObject to initialize.

propertyModel IPropertyModel

The IPropertyModel to examine.



true if the IDataObject was initialized; otherwise, false.

SetIsExpanded(TreeListBox, Object, Boolean)

Sets whether the specified item is expanded.

public override void SetIsExpanded(TreeListBox ownerControl, object item, bool value)
Parameter Type Description
ownerControl TreeListBox

The owner control.

item Object

The item to update.

value Boolean

The new value.

SetIsSelected(TreeListBox, Object, Boolean)

Sets whether the specified item is selected.

public override void SetIsSelected(TreeListBox ownerControl, object item, bool value)
Parameter Type Description
ownerControl TreeListBox

The owner control.

item Object

The item to update.

value Boolean

The new value.

SetPropertyValueFromDataObject(PropertyGrid, IDataObject, IPropertyModel)

Sets the value of the specified IPropertyModel from data in a IDataObject.

public virtual bool SetPropertyValueFromDataObject(PropertyGrid sourceControl, IDataObject dataObject, IPropertyModel propertyModel)
Parameter Type Description
sourceControl PropertyGrid

The source control that contains the IPropertyModel.

dataObject IDataObject

The IDataObject to examine.

propertyModel IPropertyModel

The IPropertyModel whose value will be set.



true if the IPropertyModel value was updated; otherwise, false.

Inherited Members