ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.Primitives Namespace
AbstractedInputContentControl | A ContentControl with input events that are abstracted for testing and mocking. |
AnimatedPanelBase | Provides an abstract base Panel class that can animate its child elements to target bounds. |
AutoCollapseStackPanel | Represents a |
AutomationContentControl | Represents a content control that is visible in the UI automation framework. |
AutomationDecorator | Represents a decorator that is visible in the UI automation framework. |
AvatarGroupInlinePanel | The panel for an AvatarGroup's inline content. |
AvatarGroupOverflowPanel | The panel for an AvatarGroup's overflow popup. |
AvatarGroupPanel | The items panel for an AvatarGroup. |
AvatarTextPresenter | Renders text within an Avatar control. |
BadgeAdorner | Defines attached properties for displaying a Badge as an adornment to a |
BulletChrome | Represents a chrome for use with bullets, such as check boxes and radio buttons. |
CheckChrome | Represents a chrome for use with check boxes. |
ChromeBase | Represents a base chrome element with support for different border styles. |
CircularThumb | Represents a circular thumb used to change values in a various input control. |
ElementChrome | Represents a chrome for use with edit boxes, lists, buttons, etc. |
EmbeddedTextBox | Represents a |
InfoBarPanel | The panel for an InfoBar control. |
OverflowingItemsControlPanelBase | Represents an abstract Panel control with layout logic for IOverflowingItemsControl items. |
PopupButtonContentAreaAutomationDecorator | Represents a decorator for the content area of a PopupButton that is visible in the UI automation framework. |
PopupButtonIndicatorAreaAutomationDecorator | Represents a decorator for the indicator area of a PopupButton that is visible in the UI automation framework. |
PopupManager | Provides a centralized way to manage popups. |
PopupResizeGrip | Represents a resize grip for a resizable popup. |
ProgressBarHighlightBrushConverter | Represents a converter that can be used by a progress bar control to construct a Brush that can be used to highlight a progress bar indicator. |
ProgressBarSegmentedBrushConverter | Represents a converter that can be used by a progress bar control to construct a Brush that can be used as an opacity mask for a segmented progress bar indicator. |
RadioChrome | Represents a chrome for use with radio buttons. |
ResizablePopupContentHost | Represents a control intended for use within a popup that can host child content and apply drag-resizing to the nested DragResizableControl. |
ScrollChrome | Represents a chrome for use with scroll bars. |
ShadowChrome | Renders a double-layer shadow effect around its contents. |
TintableBorder | Represents a border control whose brushes can be easily tinted towards a color. |
UserPromptButtonItemsControl | An ItemsControl for displaying buttons in a UserPromptControl. |
WindowChromeTitleBarPanel | Represents a Panel within a WindowChrome title bar. |
IDragResizableControl | Provides the base requirements for a control that supports resizing via drag operations. |
IOverflowingItemsControl | Provides the base requirements for a control that supports overflowing items. |
IPopupAnchor | Provides the base requirements for an element that has a popup. |
BulletChromeBorderStyle | Specifies the valid border styles supported by the chrome elements. |
BulletChromeRelativeSize | Represents the various sizes supported by the BulletChrome element, relative to the font size. |
BulletChromeState | Represents the various states supported by the BulletChrome element. |
ElementChromeBorderStyle | Specifies the valid border styles supported by the chrome elements. |
ElementChromeState | Represents the various states supported by the ElementChrome element. |
ScrollChromeGlyph | Specifies the valid glyphs supported by the scroll chrome element. |
ShadowChromeRenderMode | Specifies the render mode to use for a ShadowChrome. |