In This Article

SplitButton Class

Represents a split button Ribbon control that is capable of displaying a menu.

[TemplatePart(Name = "PART_Button", Type = typeof(UIElement))]
public class SplitButton : PopupButtonBase, IKeyTipTarget, ILogicalParent, IVariantControl
object Visual UIElement FrameworkElement Control ControlBase ButtonBase PopupButtonBase object
IKeyTipTarget ILogicalParent IVariantControl


For detailed documentation on this control's features and how to use them, please see the SplitButton documentation topic.



Initializes an instance of the SplitButton class.

public SplitButton()


Initializes an instance of the SplitButton class.

public SplitButton(ICommand command)
Parameter Type Description
command ICommand

The ICommand to assign to the button.



Gets whether the button is enabled.

public bool IsButtonEnabled { get; }

Property Value


true if the button is enabled; otherwise, false.


Gets whether the button is highlighted.

public bool IsButtonHighlighted { get; }

Property Value


true if the button is highlighted; otherwise, false.


Gets a value that becomes the return value of IsEnabled in derived classes.

protected override bool IsEnabledCore { get; }

Property Value


true if the element is enabled; otherwise, false.


Gets whether the popup button is enabled.

public bool IsPopupButtonEnabled { get; }

Property Value


true if the popup button is enabled; otherwise, false.


Gets or sets the ICommand that is attached to the control, and is fired when the popup portion of the split button is clicked.

public ICommand PopupCommand { get; set; }

Property Value


The ICommand that is attached to the control, and is fired when the popup portion of the split button is clicked.


CoerceCommandParameter(DependencyObject, object)

Coerces a new CommandParameterProperty value.

protected override object CoerceCommandParameter(DependencyObject obj, object value)
Parameter Type Description
obj DependencyObject

The System.Windows.DependencyObject whose property is changed.

value object

The new value being set.



The coerced value to set.

OnContextChanged(ControlContext, ControlContext)

Occurs when the Context property is changed.

protected override void OnContextChanged(ControlContext oldContext, ControlContext newContext)
Parameter Type Description
oldContext ControlContext

The old ControlContext value.

newContext ControlContext

The new ControlContext value.


Creates and returns an AutomationPeer object for this type.

protected override AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer()



The AutomationPeer that was created.


Called after the value of the IsKeyboardFocusWithin property has changed.

protected override void OnIsKeyboardFocusWithinChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs

A System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs that contains the event data.


Invoked when an unhandled Keyboard.KeyDownEvent attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.

protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e KeyEventArgs

A KeyEventArgs that contains the event data.


Called when key tip access text for the control is typed by the end user.

protected override bool OnKeyTipAccessed(string keyTipAccessText)
Parameter Type Description
keyTipAccessText string

The key tip access text that was typed.



true if an action was executed that should stop key tip mode; otherwise, false.


Implementations of this method should either execute the action associated with the control or move focus to the control so that the end user can take further action such as in a menu.


Invoked when an unhandled Keyboard.KeyUpEvent attached event reaches an element in its route that is derived from this class. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.

protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e KeyEventArgs

A KeyEventArgs that contains the event data.


Occurs when the mouse leaves the control.

protected override void OnMouseLeave(MouseEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e MouseEventArgs

A MouseEventArgs that contains the event data.


Invoked when an unhandled MouseLeftButtonDown routed event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.

protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e MouseButtonEventArgs

The event data for the MouseLeftButtonDown event.


Invoked when an unhandled MouseLeftButtonUp routed event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.

protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e MouseButtonEventArgs

The event data for the MouseLeftButtonUp event.


Invoked when an unhandled Mouse.MouseMoveEvent attached event is raised on this element. Implement this method to add class handling for this event.

protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e MouseEventArgs

A MouseEventArgs that contains the event data.


Raises the PopupClosed event.

protected override void OnPopupClosed()


Invoked whenever the effective value of any dependency property on this FrameworkElement has been updated. The specific dependency property that changed is reported in the arguments parameter.

protected override void OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs

The event data that describes the property that changed, as well as old and new values.


Occurs when the touch device leaves the control.

protected override void OnTouchLeave(TouchEventArgs e)
Parameter Type Description
e TouchEventArgs

A TouchEventArgs that contains the event data.

OnVariantSizeChanged(VariantSize, VariantSize)

Occurs when the VariantSize property is changed.

protected override void OnVariantSizeChanged(VariantSize oldVariantSize, VariantSize newVariantSize)
Parameter Type Description
oldVariantSize VariantSize

The old VariantSize value.

newVariantSize VariantSize

The new VariantSize value.


Updates whether the command can execute.

protected override void UpdateCanExecute()



Identifies the IsButtonEnabled dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty IsButtonEnabledProperty


Identifies the IsButtonHighlighted dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty IsButtonHighlightedProperty


Identifies the IsPopupButtonEnabled dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty IsPopupButtonEnabledProperty


Identifies the PopupCommand dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty PopupCommandProperty

Inherited Members