ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.SyntaxEditor Namespace
BuiltInClassificationTypeProvider | Represents a provider of built-in IClassificationType objects that can be registered to a IHighlightingStyleRegistry with default styles. |
CutCopyDragEventArgs | Provides arguments for CutCopyDrag events. |
DisplayItemClassificationTypeKeys | Defines the keys for the the built-in IClassificationType instances that are used for UI display items within a SyntaxEditor. |
DisplayItemClassificationTypeProvider | Represents a provider of IClassificationType objects for the UI display items within a SyntaxEditor. |
EditActionEventArgs | Provides arguments for an IEditAction that executes within an IEditorView. |
EditorCommands | Contains the edit action commands used for the SyntaxEditor control. |
EditorDocumentChangedEventArgs | Provides arguments for IEditorDocument change events. |
EditorDocumentLanguageChangedEventArgs | Provides arguments for IEditorDocument.Language change events. |
EditorSnapshotChangedEventArgs | Event arguments for the SyntaxEditor.DocumentTextChanged event. |
EditorSnapshotChangingEventArgs | Event arguments for the SyntaxEditor.DocumentTextChanging event. |
EditorViewChangedEventArgs | Provides arguments for IEditorView change events. |
EditorViewSearchEventArgs | Provides arguments for a search operation within an IEditorView. |
EditorViewSelectionEventArgs | Provides arguments for IEditorView selection change events. |
ExperimentalFeatures | Specifies transient SyntaxEditor experimental features that can be enabled. |
NavigableSymbolSelector | Represents a control that contains drop-down lists of accessible symbols (typically types and members) for a document. |
OverlayPaneEventArgs | Provides arguments for IOverlayPane-related events. |
OverlayPaneKeys | Specifies the string keys of the built-in IOverlayPane objects that are included with this product. |
PasteDragDropEventArgs | Provides arguments for the PasteDragDrop event. |
SyntaxEditor | Represents a syntax-highlighting code editor control. |
SyntaxEditorMenuEventArgs | Provides arguments for SyntaxEditor menu request events. |
SyntaxEditorThemeManager | Manages themes for use with SyntaxEditor including the ability to synchronize DefaultImageSet and CurrentColorPalette to changes in CurrentTheme. |
TextStylePreview | Represents a syntax-highlighting code editor control. |
TextViewEventArgs | Provides arguments for ITextView-related events. |
TextViewTextAreaLayoutEventArgs | Provides arguments for a ITextView.TextAreaLayout event. |
TextBounds | Describes the width, height, location, and flow direction of a range of text. |
TextViewScrollState | Represents a scroll state within an ITextView. |
IActiveEditorViewChangeEventSink | Provides the base requirements for an object that can be notified of SyntaxEditor.ActiveView property change events. |
ICollapsedRegionManager | Provides the base requirements for a manager that can return information about collapsed regions. |
IColumnGuide | Provides the base requirements for a column guide within an ITextView. |
IColumnGuideCollection | Provides the base requirements for a collection of IColumnGuide instances to be displayed within an ITextView. |
IDataStore | Defines the base requirements for an object that can be used to wrap access of data for clipboard and drag/drop operations. |
IEditAction | Defines the base requirements for an edit action that can be performed in an IEditorView. |
IEditorDocumentTextChangeEventSink | Provides the base requirements for an object that can be notified of IEditorDocument text change events. |
IEditorSearchOptions | Provides the base requirements for find/replace options within a view. |
IEditorView | Provides the base requirements for a text view that supports editing and is presented in a SyntaxEditor. |
IEditorViewIntelliPrompt | Provides the base requirements for an object that can request IntelliPrompt within an IEditorView. |
IEditorViewKeyInputEventSink | Provides the base requirements for an object that can be notified of IEditorView keyboard input events. |
IEditorViewOverlayPaneCollection | Provides the base requirements of an IOverlayPane collection within an IEditorView. |
IEditorViewPointerInputEventSink | Provides the base requirements for an object that can be notified of IEditorView pointer input events. |
IEditorViewScroller | Provides the base requirements for an object that can scroll an IEditorView. |
IEditorViewSearcher | Provides the base requirements for an object that can perform find/replace and other search-related operations on an IEditorView. |
IEditorViewSelection | Provides the base requirements for an object that tracks the selection of an IEditorView. |
IEditorViewSelectionChangeEventSink | Provides the base requirements for an object that can be notified of IEditorView selection change events. |
IEditorViewSelectionState | Provides the base requirements for an object that can persist the selection state for an IEditorView and restore it later under a new snapshot. |
IEditorViewTextChangeActions | Provides the base requirements for an object that performs text change actions in an IEditorView. |
IEditorViewTextChangeOptions | Provides the base requirements for options that are applied to an ITextChange, and are created from an IEditorView. |
IEditorViewTextInputEventSink | Provides the base requirements for an object that can be notified of IEditorView text input events. |
IHitTestResult | Provides the base requirements for the hit test results of a call to the SyntaxEditor.HitTest(Point) method. |
IIndentProvider | Provides the base requirements of an object that indicates how text should be indented when the end user presses |
IMacroAction | Provides the base requirements for an IEditAction that contains IEditAction objects that can be executed in a macro. |
IMacroRecording | Provides the base requirements for all macro recording functionality in a SyntaxEditor. |
IOverlayPane | Provides the base requirements for an overlay pane that can appear over an IEditorView. |
IOverlayPaneCollection | Provides the base requirements of an IOverlayPane collection. |
IPrintSettings | Provides the base requirements for an object that supports printing the contents of a SyntaxEditor. |
IPrinterView | Provides the base requirements for a text view that is presented on a printed page. |
IPrinterViewOptions | Provides the base requirements for IPrinterView options when creating a print document. |
ITextPositionFinder | Provides the base requirements for a helper class that finds TextPosition objects based on the current state of an IEditorView. |
ITextView | Provides the base requirements for a text view. |
ITextViewLifecycleEventSink | Provides the base requirements for an object that can be notified of when a ITextView becomes associated and disassociated with a language, via events such as view open/close, document change, or language change. |
ITextViewLine | Provides the base requirements for a display line within an ITextView. |
ITextViewLineCollection | Provides the base requirements for a read-only collection of ITextViewLine objects. |
ITextViewLineNumberProvider | Provides the base requirements for an object that determines the number text to display in a text view's line number margin. |
CaretKind | Specifies the kind of editor caret. |
ColumnGuidePlacement | Specifies the placement of a IColumnGuide within an ITextView. |
CutCopyDragAction | Specifies the source of a CutCopyDrag event. |
DataStoreTextKind | Specifies the kind of text stored in an IDataStore. |
EditorSearchScope | Specifies the scope in which a find/replace operation should occur. |
EditorViewPlacement | Specifies an individual IEditorView location within a split SyntaxEditor. |
EditorViewSelectionBatchOptions | Specifies options for an IEditorView selection batch change. |
HitTestResultType | Specifies a high-level categorization about what an IHitTestResult represents. |
IndentMode | Specifies the type of indentation to perform when the key is pressed. |
LocationToPositionAlgorithm | Specifies a type of location to TextPosition algorithm. |
MacroRecordingState | Specifies the state of macro recording. |
OverlayPaneInstanceKind | Specifies how many instances of an IOverlayPane are permitted across all views. |
PasteDragDropAction | Specifies the source of a PasteDragDrop event. |
PrintRangeKind | Specifies the kind of page range to print. |
SelectionModes | Specifies the types of selection. |
SyntaxEditorMenuKind | Specifies the kind of SyntaxEditor menu. |
TextViewLineChange | Specifies the change made to the text represented by an ITextViewLine on the last layout pass. |
TextViewLineVisibility | Specifies the vertical visibility of an ITextViewLine. |
TextViewVerticalAnchorPlacement | Specifies how an anchor view line is placed when performing a view line layout. |
WordWrapMode | Specifies the mode of word wrapping to perform. |
ZoomModes | Specifies various zoom mode options. |