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EditorSnapshotChangedEventArgs Class

Event arguments for the SyntaxEditor.DocumentTextChanged event.

public class EditorSnapshotChangedEventArgs : RoutedEventArgs
Object EventArgs RoutedEventArgs Object


EditorSnapshotChangedEventArgs(ITextSnapshot, ITextSnapshot, ITextChange)

Initializes a new instance of the EditorSnapshotChangedEventArgs class.

public EditorSnapshotChangedEventArgs(ITextSnapshot oldSnapshot, ITextSnapshot newSnapshot, ITextChange textChange)
Parameter Type Description
oldSnapshot ITextSnapshot

The ITextSnapshot that is in effect before the text change is applied.

newSnapshot ITextSnapshot

The ITextSnapshot that is in effect after the text change is applied.

textChange ITextChange

The ITextChange that is made.



Gets a TextSnapshotRange that contains the unioned changed range relative to the NewSnapshot.

public TextSnapshotRange ChangedSnapshotRange { get; }

Property Value


A TextSnapshotRange that contains the unioned changed range relative to the NewSnapshot.


Gets whether the text change is a Typing type that starts a word.

public bool IsTypedWordStart { get; }

Property Value


true if the text change is a Typing type that starts a word; otherwise, false.


Gets the ITextSnapshot that is in effect after the text change is applied.

public ITextSnapshot NewSnapshot { get; }

Property Value


The ITextSnapshot that is in effect after the text change is applied.


This property value may be null before the text change actually occurs.


Gets the ITextSnapshot that is in effect before the text change is applied.

public ITextSnapshot OldSnapshot { get; }

Property Value


The ITextSnapshot that is in effect before the text change is applied.


Gets the ITextChange that is made to the document, causing a transition from OldSnapshot to NewSnapshot.

public ITextChange TextChange { get; }

Property Value


The ITextChange that is made to the document.


Gets the text that was typed, if the text change is a Typing type, and didn't originate from an undo/redo.

public string TypedText { get; }

Property Value


The text that was typed if the above criteria is met; otherwise, null.


This a helper property that is very useful for searching for things such as when a "." is typed so you know when to activate an IntelliPrompt completion list.


GetIsTypedWordStart(ITextSnapshot, ITextChange, CharClass)

Returns whether the specified text change is typing that starts a word.

public static bool GetIsTypedWordStart(ITextSnapshot snapshot, ITextChange textChange, CharClass wordStartChars)
Parameter Type Description
snapshot ITextSnapshot

The new ITextSnapshot after the change.

textChange ITextChange

The ITextChange that caused the new snapshot.

wordStartChars CharClass

The characters that can start a word.



true if the specified text change is typing that starts a word; otherwise, false.

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