In This Article

CompletionItem Class

Represents an IntelliPrompt completion item.

public class CompletionItem : ICompletionItem
System.Object Object



Initializes a new instance of the CompletionItem class.

public CompletionItem()

CompletionItem(String, IImageSourceProvider)

Initializes a new instance of the CompletionItem class.

public CompletionItem(string text, IImageSourceProvider imageSourceProvider)
Parameter Type Description
text System.String

The text for the item that is displayed within a list.

imageSourceProvider IImageSourceProvider

An IImageSourceProvider that can provide an ImageSource for display within a list.

CompletionItem(String, IImageSourceProvider, IContentProvider)

Initializes a new instance of the CompletionItem class.

public CompletionItem(string text, IImageSourceProvider imageSourceProvider, IContentProvider descriptionProvider)
Parameter Type Description
text System.String

The text for the item that is displayed within a list.

imageSourceProvider IImageSourceProvider

An IImageSourceProvider that can provide an ImageSource for display within a list.

descriptionProvider IContentProvider

An IContentProvider that can provide content for a popup displaying a verbose description of the item.

CompletionItem(String, IImageSourceProvider, IContentProvider, String, String)

Initializes a new instance of the CompletionItem class.

public CompletionItem(string text, IImageSourceProvider imageSourceProvider, IContentProvider descriptionProvider, string autoCompletePreText, string autoCompletePostText)
Parameter Type Description
text System.String

The text for the item that is displayed within a list.

imageSourceProvider IImageSourceProvider

An IImageSourceProvider that can provide an ImageSource for display within a list.

descriptionProvider IContentProvider

An IContentProvider that can provide content for a popup displaying a verbose description of the item.

autoCompletePreText System.String

The text that is inserted into the document after the caret when auto-complete is executed.

autoCompletePostText System.String

The text that is inserted into the document before the caret when auto-complete is executed.

CompletionItem(String, IImageSourceProvider, IContentProvider, String, String, Object)

Initializes a new instance of the CompletionItem class.

public CompletionItem(string text, IImageSourceProvider imageSourceProvider, IContentProvider descriptionProvider, string autoCompletePreText, string autoCompletePostText, object tag)
Parameter Type Description
text System.String

The text for the item that is displayed within a list.

imageSourceProvider IImageSourceProvider

An IImageSourceProvider that can provide an ImageSource for display within a list.

descriptionProvider IContentProvider

An IContentProvider that can provide content for a popup displaying a verbose description of the item.

autoCompletePreText System.String

The text that is inserted into the document after the caret when auto-complete is executed.

autoCompletePostText System.String

The text that is inserted into the document before the caret when auto-complete is executed.

tag System.Object

An System.Object that contains user-defined data about the item.

CompletionItem(String, IImageSourceProvider, Object)

Initializes a new instance of the CompletionItem class.

public CompletionItem(string text, IImageSourceProvider imageSourceProvider, object tag)
Parameter Type Description
text System.String

The text for the item that is displayed within a list.

imageSourceProvider IImageSourceProvider

An IImageSourceProvider that can provide an ImageSource for display within a list.

tag System.Object

An System.Object that contains user-defined data about the item.



Gets or sets the text that is inserted into the document after the caret when auto-complete is executed.

public string AutoCompletePostText { get; set; }

Property Value


The text that is inserted into the document after the caret when auto-complete is executed.


Gets or sets the text that is inserted into the document before the caret when auto-complete is executed.

public string AutoCompletePreText { get; set; }

Property Value


The text that is inserted into the document before the caret when auto-complete is executed.


Gets or sets an IContentProvider that can provide content for a popup displaying a verbose description of the item.

public IContentProvider DescriptionProvider { get; set; }

Property Value


An IContentProvider that can provide content for a popup displaying a verbose description of the item.


Gets or sets an IImageSourceProvider that can provide an ImageSource for display within a list.

public IImageSourceProvider ImageSourceProvider { get; set; }

Property Value


An IImageSourceProvider that can provide an ImageSource for display within a list.


Gets or sets an optional inline description that is displayed next to the item's Text within a list.

public string InlineDescription { get; set; }

Property Value


An optional inline description that is displayed next to the item's Text within a list.


Gets or sets the object that contains user-defined data about the object.

public object Tag { get; set; }

Property Value


An System.Object that contains user-defined data about the object. The default is null.


Any type derived from the System.Object class can be assigned to this property.


Gets or sets the text for the item that is displayed within a list.

public string Text { get; set; }

Property Value


The text for the item that is displayed within a list.

Inherited Members

  • System.Object.ToString()
  • System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
  • System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object)
  • System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object)
  • System.Object.GetHashCode()
  • System.Object.GetType()
  • System.Object.MemberwiseClone()