In This Article

ArrangeAnimation Class

Represents a default implementation of IArrangeAnimation that allows the animation to be easily configured and/or customized.

public class ArrangeAnimation : FrameworkElement, IArrangeAnimation
object Visual UIElement FrameworkElement object



Initializes an instance of the class.

public ArrangeAnimation()



Gets or sets a value indicating the animation that should be applied to elements changing position/size in the panel due to rearrangement. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimations ArrangeUpdateAnimation { get; set; }

Property Value


A value indicating the animation that should be applied to elements changing position/size the panel due to rearrangement. The default value is ArrangeAnimations.Move | ArrangeAnimations.Size.


Gets or sets the duration of the Storyboard applied to elements changing position/size in the panel due to rearrangement. This is a dependency property.

public Duration ArrangeUpdateDuration { get; set; }

Property Value


The duration of the Storyboard applied to elements changing position/size in the panel due to rearrangement. The default value is 250ms.


Gets or sets a value indicating the animation that should be applied to elements entering the panel. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimations EnterAnimation { get; set; }

Property Value


A value indicating the animation that should be applied to elements entering the panel. The default value is ArrangeAnimations.Fade.


Gets or sets the duration of the Storyboard applied to elements entering the panel. This is a dependency property.

public Duration EnterDuration { get; set; }

Property Value


The duration of the Storyboard applied to elements entering the panel. The default value is 250ms.


Gets or sets the fade animation settings used for elements entering the panel. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimationSettings FadeEnterAnimationSettings { get; set; }

Property Value


The fade animation settings used for elements entering the panel. The default value is null.


Gets or sets the fade animation starting opacity for elements entering the panel. This is a dependency property.

public double FadeEnterOpacity { get; set; }

Property Value


The fade animation starting opacity used for elements entering the panel. The default value is 0.0.


Gets or sets the fade animation settings used for elements leaving the panel. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimationSettings FadeLeaveAnimationSettings { get; set; }

Property Value


The fade animation settings used for elements leaving the panel. The default value is null.


Gets or sets the fade animation ending opacity for elements leaving the panel. This is a dependency property.

public double FadeLeaveOpacity { get; set; }

Property Value


The fade animation ending opacity used for elements leaving the panel. The default value is 0.0.


Gets or sets a value indicating the animation that should be applied to elements changing position/size in the panel due to a layout logic change. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimations LayoutUpdateAnimation { get; set; }

Property Value


A value indicating the animation that should be applied to elements changing position/size the panel due to a layout logic change. The default value is ArrangeAnimations.Move | ArrangeAnimations.Size.


Gets or sets the duration of the Storyboard applied to elements changing position/size in the panel due to a layout logic change. This is a dependency property.

public Duration LayoutUpdateDuration { get; set; }

Property Value


The duration of the Storyboard applied to elements changing position/size in the panel due to a layout logic change. The default value is 250ms.


Gets or sets a value indicating the animation that should be applied to elements leaving the panel. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimations LeaveAnimation { get; set; }

Property Value


A value indicating the animation that should be applied to elements leaving the panel. The default value is ArrangeAnimations.Fade.


Gets or sets the duration of the Storyboard applied to elements leaving the panel. This is a dependency property.

public Duration LeaveDuration { get; set; }

Property Value


The duration of the Storyboard applied to elements leaving the panel. The default value is 250ms.


Gets or sets the move animation settings used for elements updating in the panel due to rearrangement. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimationSettings MoveArrangeUpdateAnimationSettings { get; set; }

Property Value


The move animation settings used for elements updating in the panel due to rearrangement. The default value is null.


Gets or sets the move animation settings used for elements entering the panel. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimationSettings MoveEnterAnimationSettings { get; set; }

Property Value


The move animation settings used for elements entering the panel. The default value is null.


Gets or sets the move animation starting point for elements entering the panel. This is a dependency property.

public Point? MoveEnterPoint { get; set; }

Property Value


The move animation starting point used for elements entering the panel. The default value is null.


If this property is set to null, then the starting point will not be animated. When non-null, the X and Y values determine the starting point using values relative to the panels bounds.
If X and Y have a value of -1, then the starting point will be the top-left corner of the panel. If X and Y have a value of 0, then the starting point will be the center of the panel. If X and Y have a value of 1, then the starting point will be the bottom-right corner of the panel. If the values are greater than 1 or less than -1, then the starting point will be off screen by the relative difference.
If X or Y are set to double.NaN, then that value will not be animated. For example, this can be used to slide items in from the left by specifying a point of 1.2,NaN.
Finally, if X or Y are set to double.PositiveInfinity or double.NegativeInfinity, then that starting value will be determined randomly.


Gets or sets the move animation settings used for elements updating in the panel due to a layout logic change. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimationSettings MoveLayoutUpdateAnimationSettings { get; set; }

Property Value


The move animation settings used for elements updating in the panel due to a layout logic change. The default value is null.


Gets or sets the move animation settings used for elements leaving the panel. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimationSettings MoveLeaveAnimationSettings { get; set; }

Property Value


The move animation settings used for elements leaving the panel. The default value is null.


Gets or sets the move animation starting point for elements leaving the panel. This is a dependency property.

public Point? MoveLeavePoint { get; set; }

Property Value


The move animation ending point used for elements leaving the panel. The default value is null.


If this property is set to null, then the ending point will not be animated. When non-null, the X and Y values determine the ending point using values relative to the panels bounds.
If X and Y have a value of -1, then the ending point will be the top-left corner of the panel. If X and Y have a value of 0, then the ending point will be the center of the panel. If X and Y have a value of 1, then the ending point will be the bottom-right corner of the panel. If the values are greater than 1 or less than -1, then the ending point will be off screen by the relative difference.
If X or Y are set to double.NaN, then that value will not be animated. For example, this can be used to slide items in from the left by specifying a point of 1.2,NaN.
Finally, if X or Y are set to double.PositiveInfinity or double.NegativeInfinity, then that ending value will be determined randomly.


Gets or sets the rotation animation settings used for elements entering the panel. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimationSettings RotateEnterAnimationSettings { get; set; }

Property Value


The rotation animation settings used for elements entering the panel. The default value is null.


Gets or sets the animation's total angle of rotation for elements entering the panel. This is a dependency property.

public double RotateEnterTotalAngle { get; set; }

Property Value


The animation's total angle of rotation used for elements entering the panel. The default value is 180.0.


Gets or sets the rotation animation settings used for elements leaving the panel. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimationSettings RotateLeaveAnimationSettings { get; set; }

Property Value


The rotation animation settings used for elements leaving the panel. The default value is null.


Gets or sets the animation's total angle of rotation for elements leaving the panel. This is a dependency property.

public double RotateLeaveTotalAngle { get; set; }

Property Value


The animation's total angle of rotation used for elements leaving the panel. The default value is -180.0.


Gets or sets the scale animation settings used for elements entering the panel. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimationSettings ScaleEnterAnimationSettings { get; set; }

Property Value


The scale animation settings used for elements entering the panel. The default value is null.


Gets or sets the scale animation starting value for elements entering the panel. This is a dependency property.

public double ScaleEnterUniformScale { get; set; }

Property Value


The scale animation starting value used for elements entering the panel. The default value is 0.01.


Gets or sets the scale animation settings used for elements leaving the panel. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimationSettings ScaleLeaveAnimationSettings { get; set; }

Property Value


The scale animation settings used for elements leaving the panel. The default value is null.


Gets or sets the scale animation ending value for elements leaving the panel. This is a dependency property.

public double ScaleLeaveUniformScale { get; set; }

Property Value


The scale animation ending value used for elements leaving the panel. The default value is 0.01.


Gets or sets the size animation settings used for elements updating in the panel due to rearrangement. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimationSettings SizeArrangeUpdateAnimationSettings { get; set; }

Property Value


The size animation settings used for elements updating in the panel due to rearrangement. The default value is null.


Gets or sets the size animation settings used for elements updating in the panel due to a layout logic change. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimationSettings SizeLayoutUpdateAnimationSettings { get; set; }

Property Value


The size animation settings used for elements updating in the panel due to a layout logic change. The default value is null.


Gets or sets the translate animation settings used for elements entering the panel. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimationSettings TranslateEnterAnimationSettings { get; set; }

Property Value


The translate animation settings used for elements entering the panel. The default value is null.


Gets or sets the translate animation starting point for elements entering the panel. This is a dependency property.

public Point TranslateEnterPoint { get; set; }

Property Value


The translate animation starting point used for elements entering the panel. The default value is NaN,NaN.


The X and Y values determine the starting point using values relative to the panels bounds. If X and Y have a value of -1, then the starting point will be the top-left corner of the panel. If X and Y have a value of 0, then the starting point will be the center of the panel. If X and Y have a value of 1, then the starting point will be the bottom-right corner of the panel. If the values are greater than 1 or less than -1, then the starting point will be off screen by the relative difference.
If X or Y are set to double.NaN, then that value will not be animated. For example, this can be used to slide items in from the left by specifying a point of 1.2,NaN.
Finally, if X or Y are set to double.PositiveInfinity or double.NegativeInfinity, then that starting value will be determined randomly.


Gets or sets the translate animation settings used for elements leaving the panel. This is a dependency property.

public ArrangeAnimationSettings TranslateLeaveAnimationSettings { get; set; }

Property Value


The translate animation settings used for elements leaving the panel. The default value is null.


Gets or sets the translate animation ending point for elements leaving the panel. This is a dependency property.

public Point TranslateLeavePoint { get; set; }

Property Value


The translate animation ending point used for elements leaving the panel. The default value is NaN,NaN.


The X and Y values determine the ending point using values relative to the panels bounds. If X and Y have a value of -1, then the ending point will be the top-left corner of the panel. If X and Y have a value of 0, then the ending point will be the center of the panel. If X and Y have a value of 1, then the ending point will be the bottom-right corner of the panel. If the values are greater than 1 or less than -1, then the ending point will be off screen by the relative difference.
If X or Y are set to double.NaN, then that value will not be animated. For example, this can be used to slide items in from the left by specifying a point of 1.2,NaN.
Finally, if X or Y are set to double.PositiveInfinity or double.NegativeInfinity, then that ending value will be determined randomly.


GetFadeOpacityAnimation(PanelBase, UIElement, ArrangeState)

Gets a Timeline that animates OpacityProperty.

protected virtual Timeline GetFadeOpacityAnimation(PanelBase panel, UIElement element, ArrangeState state)
Parameter Type Description
panel PanelBase

The panel that contains the element.

element UIElement

The element that is being arranged.

state ArrangeState

The current arrange state of the element.



A Timeline that animates OpacityProperty.

GetMoveXAnimation(PanelBase, UIElement, ArrangeState)

Gets a Timeline that animates ArrangeXAnimatedProperty.

protected virtual Timeline GetMoveXAnimation(PanelBase panel, UIElement element, ArrangeState state)
Parameter Type Description
panel PanelBase

The panel that contains the element.

element UIElement

The element that is being arranged.

state ArrangeState

The current arrange state of the element.



A Timeline that animates ArrangeXAnimatedProperty.

GetMoveYAnimation(PanelBase, UIElement, ArrangeState)

Gets a Timeline that animates ArrangeYAnimatedProperty.

protected virtual Timeline GetMoveYAnimation(PanelBase panel, UIElement element, ArrangeState state)
Parameter Type Description
panel PanelBase

The panel that contains the element.

element UIElement

The element that is being arranged.

state ArrangeState

The current arrange state of the element.



A Timeline that animates ArrangeYAnimatedProperty.

GetRotateAnimation(PanelBase, UIElement, ArrangeState)

Gets a Timeline that animates AngleProperty.

protected virtual Timeline GetRotateAnimation(PanelBase panel, UIElement element, ArrangeState state)
Parameter Type Description
panel PanelBase

The panel that contains the element.

element UIElement

The element that is being arranged.

state ArrangeState

The current arrange state of the element.



A Timeline that animates AngleProperty.

GetScaleAnimation(PanelBase, UIElement, ArrangeState)

Gets a Timeline that animates UniformScaleProperty.

protected virtual Timeline GetScaleAnimation(PanelBase panel, UIElement element, ArrangeState state)
Parameter Type Description
panel PanelBase

The panel that contains the element.

element UIElement

The element that is being arranged.

state ArrangeState

The current arrange state of the element.



A Timeline that animates UniformScaleProperty.

GetSizeHeightAnimation(PanelBase, UIElement, ArrangeState)

protected virtual Timeline GetSizeHeightAnimation(PanelBase panel, UIElement element, ArrangeState state)
Parameter Type Description
panel PanelBase

The panel that contains the element.

element UIElement

The element that is being arranged.

state ArrangeState

The current arrange state of the element.



A Timeline that animates ArrangeHeightAnimatedProperty.

GetSizeWidthAnimation(PanelBase, UIElement, ArrangeState)

Gets a Timeline that animates ArrangeWidthAnimatedProperty.

protected virtual Timeline GetSizeWidthAnimation(PanelBase panel, UIElement element, ArrangeState state)
Parameter Type Description
panel PanelBase

The panel that contains the element.

element UIElement

The element that is being arranged.

state ArrangeState

The current arrange state of the element.



A Timeline that animates ArrangeWidthAnimatedProperty.

GetStoryboard(PanelBase, UIElement, ArrangeState)

Gets a Storyboard that arranges the specified element.

public virtual Storyboard GetStoryboard(PanelBase panel, UIElement element, ArrangeState state)
Parameter Type Description
panel PanelBase

The panel that contains the element.

element UIElement

The element that is being arranged.

state ArrangeState

The current arrange state of the element.



A Storyboard that arranges the specified element.

GetTranslateXAnimation(PanelBase, UIElement, ArrangeState)

Gets a Timeline that animates TranslateXProperty.

protected virtual Timeline GetTranslateXAnimation(PanelBase panel, UIElement element, ArrangeState state)
Parameter Type Description
panel PanelBase

The panel that contains the element.

element UIElement

The element that is being arranged.

state ArrangeState

The current arrange state of the element.



A Timeline that animates ArrangeXAnimatedProperty.

GetTranslateYAnimation(PanelBase, UIElement, ArrangeState)

Gets a Timeline that animates TranslateYProperty.

protected virtual Timeline GetTranslateYAnimation(PanelBase panel, UIElement element, ArrangeState state)
Parameter Type Description
panel PanelBase

The panel that contains the element.

element UIElement

The element that is being arranged.

state ArrangeState

The current arrange state of the element.



A Timeline that animates TranslateYProperty.

IsElementInView(PanelBase, UIElement, ArrangeState)

Determines whether the specified element is or will be within the view of the panel.

public virtual bool IsElementInView(PanelBase panel, UIElement element, ArrangeState state)
Parameter Type Description
panel PanelBase

The panel that contains the element.

element UIElement

The element that is being arranged.

state ArrangeState

The current arrange state of the element.



true if the specified element is or will be within the view of the panel; otherwise, false.



Identifies the ArrangeUpdateAnimation dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty ArrangeUpdateAnimationProperty


Identifies the ArrangeUpdateDuration dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty ArrangeUpdateDurationProperty


Identifies the EnterAnimation dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty EnterAnimationProperty


Identifies the EnterDuration dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty EnterDurationProperty


Identifies the FadeEnterAnimationSettings dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty FadeEnterAnimationSettingsProperty


Identifies the FadeEnterOpacity dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty FadeEnterOpacityProperty


Identifies the FadeLeaveAnimationSettings dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty FadeLeaveAnimationSettingsProperty


Identifies the FadeLeaveOpacity dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty FadeLeaveOpacityProperty


Identifies the LayoutUpdateAnimation dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty LayoutUpdateAnimationProperty


Identifies the LayoutUpdateDuration dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty LayoutUpdateDurationProperty


Identifies the LeaveAnimation dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty LeaveAnimationProperty


Identifies the LeaveDuration dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty LeaveDurationProperty


Identifies the MoveArrangeUpdateAnimationSettings dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty MoveArrangeUpdateAnimationSettingsProperty


Identifies the MoveEnterAnimationSettings dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty MoveEnterAnimationSettingsProperty


Identifies the MoveEnterPoint dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty MoveEnterPointProperty


Identifies the MoveLayoutUpdateAnimationSettings dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty MoveLayoutUpdateAnimationSettingsProperty


Identifies the MoveLeaveAnimationSettings dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty MoveLeaveAnimationSettingsProperty


Identifies the MoveLeavePoint dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty MoveLeavePointProperty


Identifies the RotateEnterAnimationSettings dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty RotateEnterAnimationSettingsProperty


Identifies the RotateEnterTotalAngle dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty RotateEnterTotalAngleProperty


Identifies the RotateLeaveAnimationSettings dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty RotateLeaveAnimationSettingsProperty


Identifies the RotateLeaveTotalAngle dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty RotateLeaveTotalAngleProperty


Identifies the ScaleEnterAnimationSettings dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty ScaleEnterAnimationSettingsProperty


Identifies the ScaleEnterUniformScale dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty ScaleEnterUniformScaleProperty


Identifies the ScaleLeaveAnimationSettings dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty ScaleLeaveAnimationSettingsProperty


Identifies the ScaleLeaveUniformScale dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty ScaleLeaveUniformScaleProperty


Identifies the SizeArrangeUpdateAnimationSettings dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty SizeArrangeUpdateAnimationSettingsProperty


Identifies the SizeLayoutUpdateAnimationSettings dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty SizeLayoutUpdateAnimationSettingsProperty


Identifies the TranslateEnterAnimationSettings dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty TranslateEnterAnimationSettingsProperty


Identifies the TranslateEnterPoint dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty TranslateEnterPointProperty


Identifies the TranslateLeaveAnimationSettings dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty TranslateLeaveAnimationSettingsProperty


Identifies the TranslateLeavePoint dependency property. This field is read-only.

public static readonly DependencyProperty TranslateLeavePointProperty