In This Article

WizardSelectedPageChangeEventArgs Class

Provides event arguments for a Wizard selected page change.

public class WizardSelectedPageChangeEventArgs : CancelRoutedEventArgs
object EventArgs RoutedEventArgs CancelRoutedEventArgs object


WizardSelectedPageChangeEventArgs(WizardPage, WizardPage, WizardPageSelectionFlags, RoutedEvent)

Initializes a new instance of the WizardSelectedPageChangeEventArgs class.

public WizardSelectedPageChangeEventArgs(WizardPage oldSelectedPage, WizardPage newSelectedPage, WizardPageSelectionFlags selectionFlags, RoutedEvent routedEvent)
Parameter Type Description
oldSelectedPage WizardPage

The WizardPage that is currently selected.

newSelectedPage WizardPage

The WizardPage that is about to be selected.

selectionFlags WizardPageSelectionFlags

A WizardPageSelectionFlags indicating information about the page selection.

routedEvent RoutedEvent

The routed event identifier for this event arguments instance.



Gets or sets the WizardPage that is about to be selected.

public WizardPage NewSelectedPage { get; set; }

Property Value


The WizardPage that is about to be selected.


Gets the WizardPage that is currently selected.

public WizardPage OldSelectedPage { get; }

Property Value


The WizardPage that is currently selected.


Gets a WizardPageSelectionFlags indicating information about the page selection.

public WizardPageSelectionFlags SelectionFlags { get; }

Property Value


A WizardPageSelectionFlags indicating information about the page selection.


InvokeEventHandler(Delegate, object)

Invokes a type-specific event handler for the event arguments.

protected override void InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, object genericTarget)
Parameter Type Description
genericHandler Delegate

The generic handler / delegate implementation to be invoked.

genericTarget object

The target on which the provided handler should be invoked.

Inherited Members