In This Article

CornerRadiusExtensions Class

Provides extension methods for the type System.Windows.CornerRadius.

public static class CornerRadiusExtensions
System.Object Object


IsEffectivelyEqual(CornerRadius, CornerRadius)

Determines whether the two values are close enough to be considered equal.

public static bool IsEffectivelyEqual(this CornerRadius left, CornerRadius right)
Parameter Type Description
left System.Windows.CornerRadius

The value on the left side of the comparison.

right System.Windows.CornerRadius

The value on the left side of the comparison.



true if the two values are close enough to be considered equal; otherwise, false.


Determines whether the values of the specified corner radius are close enough to be considered uniform.

public static bool IsEffectivelyUniform(this CornerRadius value)
Parameter Type Description
value System.Windows.CornerRadius

The value to compare.



true if the values of the specified corner radius are close enough to be considered uniform; otherwise, false.


Determines whether the specified value is close enough to zero to be considered equal.

public static bool IsEffectivelyZero(this CornerRadius value)
Parameter Type Description
value System.Windows.CornerRadius

The value to compare with zero.



true if the specified value is close enough to zero to be considered equal; otherwise, false.

Round(CornerRadius, RoundMode)

Returns a corner radius with its values rounded using the specified RoundMode.

public static CornerRadius Round(this CornerRadius value, RoundMode mode)
Parameter Type Description
value System.Windows.CornerRadius

The value to round.

mode RoundMode

The RoundMode to use.



A corner radius with its values using the specified RoundMode.

SetCorners(CornerRadius, Corners, Double)

Returns a corner radius with the specified corners set to the given value.

public static CornerRadius SetCorners(this CornerRadius value, Corners corners, double radius)
Parameter Type Description
value System.Windows.CornerRadius

The value to update.

corners Corners

The Corners to set.

radius System.Double

The radius value.



A corner radius with the specified corners set to the given value.

SetCorners(CornerRadius, Corners, CornerRadius)

Returns a corner radius with the specified corners set to the given value.

public static CornerRadius SetCorners(this CornerRadius value, Corners corners, CornerRadius radius)
Parameter Type Description
value System.Windows.CornerRadius

The value to update.

corners Corners

The Corners to set.

radius System.Windows.CornerRadius

The radius values.



A corner radius with the specified corners set to the given value.

Inherited Members

  • System.Object.ToString()
  • System.Object.Equals(System.Object)
  • System.Object.Equals(System.Object, System.Object)
  • System.Object.ReferenceEquals(System.Object, System.Object)
  • System.Object.GetHashCode()
  • System.Object.GetType()
  • System.Object.MemberwiseClone()